𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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Another Hogsmeade weekend was here, but this time, I was next to Graham Montague cracking jokes and genuinely enjoying myself. It was odd, but here I was, not sure when we became such fast friends. 

We made the terrible mistake of going into Madam Rosmerta's to get a drink, and everywhere we looked there were lovey-dovey couples on dates, making me feel queasy. 

Draco and I slept in the same room, but not in the same bed. We had never reestablished that we were dating again, but both of us knew the fragility of the situation. 

The lack of forward movement was irritating, it was really putting me in a bad mindset, but there was nothing I could do. 

I would go and work on the cabinet whenever I could, and he would meet me there too. I wasn't even sure I wanted to tell him we should be together again, so much was getting done right now. I hated to admit it, but Snape was right when he told Draco I was a distraction. 

It pained me, but I considered leaving us as we were now for the sake of our safety as well. I couldn't tell him that, though, he wouldn't accept that as a reason to be apart.

He would insist he could keep me safe. 

The last thing I wanted, however, was for Draco or any of our friends to be targetted by Voldemort if we failed. He could hold us as leverage against each other, which was why I was going to do something drastic. 

Something drastic that he would never find out, that is. 

I would go directly to the source and plug up the leaks. 

Floo Powder was my best friend in this situation, and I went where I thought I would find assistance first. 

Malfoy Manor.

I walked up the long stone path and past the tall hedges to get to the door. I reached up and used the massive knocker to alert anyone inside that I was there. The door was opened to me by a severely malnourished looking house-elf, and it took everything in me to not stop and help it right there. 

But I had a mission I was here for. 

"Who's there?" A deep, booming voice sounded from the top of the stairs. "Magdelena Warrington," I replied, my voice stern and unwavering. 

I was not afraid of this world. I was not scared of what could happen to me anymore. 

"What are you doing here, girl. Is my son with you?" Lucius asked, a certain hissing tone to his voice as he asked. "No. I have no concern for your son anymore. I am here to request council with The Dark Lord," I said. 

"You- You cannot just... request council with The Dark Lord at whim, you petulant thing. You must earn it, or be summoned by him yourself," He said. 

Suddenly, I heard rattling to the right side of me, whipping my head in that direction and looking at the double doors further in the house that were moving at a rapid speed. Rattling against each other. 

And my Dark Mark, it began to burn. 

So did Lucius's, I could tell, he couldn't conceal the pain he was in as his face contorted and twisted. "It looks like I've earned it," I said, walking to my right as he attempted to contain himself and come down the stairs. 

I opened the double doors and saw just who I wanted to see. 

Lord Voldemort sitting at the very end of the table, far away from where I stood when a panting Lucius came running in behind me. "Forgive me, My Lord, she just showed up, I-" 

"Silence," Voldemort said, holding a hand up to tell Lucius he had heard quite enough. 

"I want to hear what the young one has to say," He said, and Lucius did not dare utter another word. "I would like a new task. I have done as much as I can for the Vanishing Cabinet, and I simply cannot be around Draco any longer," I said, my own words stinging. 

"Is the cabinet finished?" He asked, and I shook my head. 

"No, but Draco is close. I simply need something else- Anything else to do," I pleaded, keeping my voice as steady as I possibly could. 

He stared at me with an amused grin on his face. "So, your young love is... no more? How tragic," He said, and I couldn't tell if he was mocking me or not. "No, we're just not compatible. I had a feeling it wouldn't work out with all of this business in the way," I said, and again Voldemort looked amused. 

"I hate him. He hates me," I finished. 

"Shame," Voldemort responded, his grin now gone and his face in a very miffed expression. It was working, my plan to erase each other from Voldemort's leverage.  

"So? A new task?" I asked quite boldly. 

Now, he stood. He wasn't that tall, just reaching 5' 11", but he still towered over me. He walked over to look down at me, and he hummed. "I like to be entertained as much as I like getting things done," He said, and I nearly backed away from him. 

What on Earth did he mean?" 

"You're new task is to eliminate Dumbledore the day Draco lets the Death Eaters into Hogwarts. The whole reason he has been fixing that blasted cabinet is for this very reason. He is going to let them in and the war shall begin. The battle will commence-"

"Battle?" I asked, not sure what he meant, but his eyes grew dark. 

"You dare interrupt me? Battle. I am going to rid the world of those who do not belong in it," He boomed. "Muggleborns?" I asked, my face growing paler and paler as I thought about my friends. I thought about Hermione. 

"Excellent," He crooned, going back and sitting down again. 

"I understand," I said, and he nodded. "Remember your job, Magdelena. Kill the Headmaster," He repeated before I nodded. "You're dismissed," He stated, and I turned on my heel, leaving as fast as possible. 

I had to get back to school.


𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬, 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 • (𝐝.𝐦.)Where stories live. Discover now