𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐭𝐰𝐨

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Blaise and I had left school early the following morning. I had spent all night tossing and turning, thinking about the moment Draco and I shared, and I barely got a wink of sleep.

On the earliest train back to Kings Cross station, Blaise and I were ready for the summer. I was excited to get to stay with Blaise, even if the circumstances were less than ideal. I held Poe on my lap the whole train ride, petting him often. 

When we got to the Zabini manor, our bags were immediately taken by the numerous house-elves that occupied the mansion.

"I'll show you your room, yeah?" Blaise suggested, and I nodded, following him through the maze he called home.

I only knew the general area I had been in at the ball, but that was such a long time ago. I had to follow Blaise closely while still paying close attention to my surroundings so I could remember where I needed to go in order to get there. 

We arrived at a large, extravagant door that amazed me as much as the rest of the house. "This'll be your room," Blaise said, opening the door to a room that matched the rest of the manor. 

It was huge, and when I say huge, I mean gigantic. It was spacious, with a luxurious four-poster canopy bed in it. I was in shock as I looked around, not sure what to say or how to react. I put Poe down and immediately he started sniffing and poking around. 

"I take it you like it?" Blaise asked with a laugh, and I nodded enthusiastically. "Blaise, it's beautiful," I said, still in awe. There was a balcony that led out to a small garden as well, a smaller fountain in the middle of it. 

I loved that detail. I could see myself sitting out there and reading, writing, whatever I wanted. I could do that all summer. 

My luggage was brought into my room by the house elves, who I thanked, and I wandered further into the room, still admiring my surroundings. 

"I'll let you get settled, alright? See you for dinner later, an elf will come to retrieve you I suppose," Blaise said, and I nodded, thanking him once again. 

When he left and shut the door behind him, I flopped onto the bed, taking a deep breath and praying this summer would go by fast. As much as I loved Blaise, and I would get to see him often, I wanted to make sure Draco was okay too. 

To anyone else, I would sound like a crazed girl with an obsessive crush, but the context behind our relationship made my concern more solidified. 

As I began to walk around my room and unpack, I folded my clothes neatly and arranged my things in a way I was going to get used to. 

I took my journals and books out of my bag putting them on my bedside table. I found myself bored rather quickly, but I decided the best way to pass the time would be to take a nap before dinner. 

I crawled into the giant bed in the room, going through the drapery around its canopy. I felt relaxed almost instantly, melting into the soft blankets around me. 

As I fell into a deep sleep in the mansion I would call home this summer, I felt myself beginning to dream something that never fully came to me. All I remembered before sleep overtook me was the silhouette of the blonde enigma that was now such a deeply-rooted part of my life.

"Dinner is served, Miss Warrington," One of the Zabini's house-elves announced, waking me from my slumber. I woke with a start, sitting up immediately and rubbing my eyes. 

"Thank you. What's your name?" I asked, and the house-elf looked at me, confusion in his eyes. "My name, miss?" He asked. 

"Your name," I confirmed. 

"Jokby, miss," The house-elf said, and I nodded. 

"Thank you, Jokby, I'll be down in one minute," I said, slowly getting out of bed, but Jokby stayed where he was. "Jokby is supposed to bring Miss Warrington to the table. There is a surprise for Miss Warrington there," He said, and I nodded, intrigued. 

I got out of bed, smoothing my hair down and making myself look a bit more put together. 

I followed Jokby out of my room and down the long corridor that led to the dining room. When we got there, I saw the giant table that once was filled with countless Death Eaters, but now only sat two people. 

On the closest end, Mrs. Zabini sat, smiling warmly at me. "Hello dear, you may sit right across from Blaise, my husband will be down shortly," She said, and I looked over to where Blaise was sitting on the right side of the middle of the table. 

I nodded with a returned smile and made my way over to my seat, sitting down swiftly and smiling over to Blaise.

"You passed out, didn't  you?" Blaise asked with a smirk and I laughed. "That obvious?" I asked, and he shrugged, "If smudged mascara counts as evidence, yes," He joke. 

I wiped underneath my eyes, getting any excess mascara off until Blaise sent me a thumbs up. 

We all chatted a bit, this meal not nearly as formal as the last I had attended until finally, Mr. Zabini walked in. 

"Magdelena, we have a bit of a gift for you," He announced as he entered the room. 

"A gift? For me? Why?" I asked, dumbfounded, but he offered no explanation before ringing a small bell that he held in his pocket. With a loud crack, Winnie had apparated into the room.

My smile could hardly be contained as I saw them enter the room. "Winnie!" I breathed, and upon seeing how happy she was to see me as well, I made a mental note to talk to her later. I could not let myself forget Blaise's family were also Death Eaters. 

They didn't look kindly upon treating house-elves like everyone else. 

I was just glad Winnie was safe. 

i love love LOVE the comments i'm getting from you guys! i'm currently publishing this chapter from school, so i hope you guys enjoy! it's more of a filler, i know, but it's working up to the bigger stuff. xoxo!

𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬, 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 • (𝐝.𝐦.)Where stories live. Discover now