11: We Live the Rich Life

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Everything about this ride was nerve wracking. We had said goodbye to Jocelyn and Beth, along with Marie and CJ and a few other people we had said hello to along the way, and now we were on the road to Los Angeles, looking for a place called DOA Recording Studios.

"That place must be ancient," Jackson whistled. "If it has records, those were basically before the piano."

"They were not," I snorted, about to lecture Jackson about when records were made, but Jay interrupted me. "It might not have records anyway. It's a recording studio, like where someone would record themselves singing."

"So we're just going to march into the underworld?" Roxanne asked.

"Getting in is the easy part," I confessed. "It's getting out that's not going to be easy."

Everyone became silent, and I regretted saying anything. But, being the upbeat people we were, we quickly started chatting again.

"So are we going to get to L.A. around 4," Xander figured. "Are we gonna go to the underworld then, or stay the night one more time?"

"I'm down with staying the night somewhere. Might as well have one last fun day before we go to the underworld," Roxanne said.

"Okay. Where should we go?" Alyssa asked.

"My apartment," I suggested, and at the same time, Jackson said, "I know a place," and Tony offered, "My dad's house."

All three of us looked at each other.

"We'll just go to Jackson's," Soma said, waving a hand vaguely in his direction. "He probably has a four story beach house that his family goes to for the summer."

"Actually it's two stories," Jackson corrected with a grin.

We all groaned, and Jackson laughed. "You just wait until you meet my family."

"Your family is going to be there?"

"Well, it's summer," he said with a smile twitching at his lips.


"Okay, okay." Jackson touched a few things on the hovervan screen that changed its course slightly. "If you don't want me to brag about me being rich I won't." He then brought his forearm to his face, showing off his chip. "Call Karalyn."

"Jackson, what are you-"

"Jacky!" came a voice from Jackson's arm. "Took you long enough to call me."

"Karalyn, you know I would never forget to call my sister."

"So how's that summer camp? Are you regretting it yet?"

"Please, I'm having way more fun than you."

"Oh yeah? I'm currently in fencing practice."

"Well I'm currently hurtling toward the Underworld at 80 miles per hour."

There was the sound of a snort, and Karalyn said, "Whatever that means. Seriously, what's going on?"

"I'm actually coming to visit you."

"No way."

"Yeah, me and a couple friends. We'll only stay for a night though. We're going to L.A. tomorrow."

"That's exciting! I'll see you soon." The girl's voice lowered in a conspiratorial whisper. "But I was right about you regretting summer camp."

"No, I'll be going right back after this quick trip."

"Sure," Karalyn drawled. "Bye Jackson."

"Bye," Jackson said, then turned to us. "Everyone yell goodbye."

Miles Dilara and the Quest for Legends (A Percy Jackson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now