14: We Have No Idea What's Happening

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I stared in horror as Soma, quick as a blink, yanked Tony by the back of his shirt, putting a knife against his throat. His eyes were wide and panicked as he stared at the knife.

"What are you doing?" Roxanne yelled, anger creeping into her voice.

Soma fixed her eyes on each and everyone of us. "Drop your weapons."

There was immediate clanging to the ground as we all dropped everything we brought to defend ourselves. We all stared at Soma in shock.

"Soma?" Jackson asked hesitantly.

"How long have you known?" I whispered. "How long have you been helping her?"

Soma looked at me, with a smirk, still holding Tony. "Miles, you might want to sit down for this, but I've actually been helping her long before you were born."

I stared at Soma for a long time. My mind had already come to the answer, but I refused to believe it. "But that means you're-"

"A goddess. Yeah, yeah," Soma waved her free hand in the air. "Surprise! I'm actually Soma, the goddess of determination, and the tides and moon. But Artemis gets all the credit for the last one."

"But I've never heard of you," I frowned.

"Miles! That's all you got out of this?" Jackson yelled. He turned to Styx. "What do you want with us?"

"Nah, Miles has a point," Soma said. "Let's just say I wasn't exactly a planned child. My siblings are the ones who get the fancy recognition, and get to live up in Olympus, but I've only been around the last, what, 178 years?" Soma squinted, then shrugged. "Yeah, that sounds right. Anyway, I came to Camp Halfblood, and brought you guys here."

"But why are you doing this Soma?" Jay asked. "If you're a goddess like you said, why would you possibly help your mom when you could have a perfectly fine life? And you live forever, and..." His tone changed as he said, "Okay I'm sorry, I'm still not over the fact that you're a goddess, you still look like an average teenager."

Soma rolled her eyes, and with a wave of her hand Tony flew over to the wall, and a small cage dropped around him. Then she snapped her fingers and her outfit changed. She still had her signature black ripped jeans, but now she was wearing a blouse with long sleeves, that was shades of white and light purple, and a skirt that opened in the front to show her ripped jeans that was a darker purple, along with heeled short boots that were the same color. She still had her short black hair with silver tips, but now her most prominent feature were large black wings on her back that looked to be simply made of floating shards of matter. They were fascinating to watch, because the (glass?) shards swirled around as Soma moved.

"Better?" she asked. "Been a while since I've been able to use these guys," Soma added, shaking out her wings. "Okay back on topic, you guys were the first group that I decided might be a threat, so congrats on that, everyone else was just, eh."

Styx walked up to Soma and put her hands on her shoulders. "I need to leave," Styx said. "I'll be back soon. Love you sweetie."

"Bye mom," Soma said with a wave. Then she turned to us and rubbed her hands together. "Okay, hit me up with some questions. What do you want to know?"

"Wait, no," I shook my head. "You can't betray us like this, and still just be you!"

"Not a question, but I'll go with it," Soma said, pointing at me. "Miles, and all of you, you're great demigods, fight for what you believe in, all that jazz. But let's be real here. The gods have been disrespecting my mom for thousands of years. It's time that they finally get punished. And I had to stop people who would fight back. Okay, who has an actual question? I'm dying for you guys to realize how smart my plan has been!"

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