3: Jay's Job is Hard

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I ran to catch up to Jay before he left, walking alongside him as we made our way to the front of the big house.

"How's Anthony doing?" I asked.

Jay glanced over at me. "He was resting, last I saw him. He had some nectar, and is healing up nicely."

"Good. I hope Roxanne feels bad about what she did."

Jay snorted. "I doubt it, but she better, or else she's going to see the sharp point of my arrow."

I smiled. "Of course." I then realized that I had so much to do to get ready for our quest. I turned to face Jay. "Well, I need to go figure out the rest of the prophecy and start planning what we need to do, and how we are going to get around."

"I wish we had a giant bronze dragon boat," I heard Jay say after I started walking away. I laughed to myself. That would make things easier, but unfortunately we did not. We would have to rely on public transportation, which has significantly improved since Percy's lifetime. I walked over to the dining pavilion, because by this time breakfast should have happened a while ago. The camp really needed a leader right now. It was hard to remember that Chiron was gone. He was almost never here anyway, been so caught up with keeping the camp running.

I had been here since I was ten years old, and although I went home to my dad every now and then, we didn't have the best relationship. He loved me, I knew that, but he loved his work, too. He was busy and we never shared that many special moments. And he knew how much I loved camp. I still wasn't sure exactly how much he knew. He definitely knew that my mom was no ordinary person, and that things happened whenever I was around. He was a smart person, and I wouldn't be surprised if he knew exactly what was going on but never told me.

I quickly realized that campers were already congregating at the dining pavilion, having the same idea as me. Kyson, a Hephaestus kid, had a megaphone out, calling for campers to sit at their cabin tables and wait for everyone to show up. There were specific people running to find everyone, so everyone should remain calm.

I took my seat at the Athena table, noting that everyone from our cabin was already there. I couldn't help but chuckle at that. I glanced around. Most of the tables had a majority of their campers, except Hera, Poseidon, Artemis, and Hades that were normally empty. Apollo was also empty, but that made sense because Jay was at the big house, and he was the only one. But Hermes...

I laughed out loud. No doubt the Hermes kids were all taking advantage of the no supervision and causing trouble. The only one there was Soma, who was unclaimed, chilling laying on the bench like she owned it.

It was interesting to see how full the camp was compared to how it was during Percy's time. A lot of the minor gods and goddesses apparently used to not have cabins, although they've been around since I've been here. There were now more than 50 cabins and most of them had at least 5 campers. I don't know if the gods have been more busy lately or if since Percy Jackson's time they are caring for their kids and at least helping them get to camp. It makes one wonder how many demigods had died as children or young teens, at a time when the gods didn't care. They still didn't very much, but ever since Percy Jackson, they have been better.

More and more kids kept trickling in, and people ate and socialized for a few minutes.

"We are going to take roll," Kyson yelled through his megaphone. "Head counselors, please announce if all your cabinmates are here. Zeus!"

"This is stupid, as head of the cabin of Zeus, the king of the gods, I should be making the rules!" Bryce yelled.

I drew in a sharp breath, and even the other Zeus cabin kids looked surprised. Bryce had always been a jerk, and this was going way too far. No camper should-

Miles Dilara and the Quest for Legends (A Percy Jackson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now