13: Things Escalate Quickly

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My dream began with darkness. I know that seems weird, because technically when we sleep it's dark, but this darkness was almost suffocating. I could sense that I was surrounded by a darkness that extended for ages.

And then a woman appeared in front of me. She had ebony hair, and her dress was dark purple and black. She seemed to be floating, and her hair and dress were waving slowly in the nonexistent wind. But her eyes were staring at me with complete hatred, and that scared me. I wondered what I had done to have this much anger directed at me.

"Miles, daughter of Athena," she said, glaring at me. I tried to say something, but I couldn't talk.

"You are helping the wrong side. The gods have never helped you, why do you help them? You don't even know what my plans are yet, which is why I am offering you a last chance to help me. All I am doing is giving the gods a bit of humility. They have broken so many promises already, it's only time they get punished for it."

"You're Styx," I managed to say. It all made sense, we had already figured out that the prophecy was about the river styx, it seemed only fitting that Styx was the villain. She was the goddess of hate, and had her own river in the underworld.

"Correct. Do you understand that it's about time that the Olympians learn?"

I forced myself to stare at her angry eyes, and said, "I agree that the Olympians need to learn, but without them, the world would descend into chaos. We will stop you."

"Then I'm sorry for whatever will happen to you. You have never made any promises you can't keep, so I do not hold any grudges against you. But you and your friends must be stopped in order for the world to get what it needs."

I forced myself to hold her gaze as she said, "Goodbye, Miles Dilara. We will meet again soon."

I shot awake, gasping. It was barely starting to get light outside, so I reached over for my glasses, and slipped them on. As I did, I noticed Alyssa turning over in her sleep, mumbling to herself.

I rushed over and shook her awake. "Alyssa!"

She opened her eyes and grabbed me. "Miles, we need to go, I just had a dream-"

"I did too. Come on, you start packing and I'll go get everyone else." I rushed toward the door only to hear rushed knocking. I opened it and Roxanne, Soma, and Tony were there.

"You all had dreams too?" I asked. Seeing their faces answered my question for me. "Go pack everything, we are leaving now."

I ran over to knock on Xander's door, and as soon as I did he opened it. "Oh good, Miles, I had a dre-"

"We all did, keep packing, we're leaving now." I ran down the hall and did the same to Jay and Jackson. In a few minutes we all rushedly got dressed and packed the few belongings we had brought. We ran down the stairs, and that must have woken up Karalyn, who poked her head out the door. When she saw us, her eyes widened. "Where are you going?"

"I can't explain," Jackson said, going over to Karalyn and hugging her. "I love you. Be good to Gabby, and tell everyone else that I love them. And Dad, too," Jackson choked out. "Tell him I'm sorry."

As he turned to leave, Karalyn grabbed the front of his shirt. "You aren't going to leave me like that. What's happening here?"

"I need to go, Karalyn," Jackson begged.

"Why does it sound like you're not coming back?" She then turned to us with a glare. "Where are you taking him?"

"Karalyn, please," Jackson said, then yanked away from her arm. Karalyn dropped into a roll and came between Jackson and the rest of us. She drew a small gun- I figured she must have had it in the waist of her pants- and aimed it at me.

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