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I mean yes were friends. His courting me but we haven't decided to be in a relationship just yet. So, technically we're friends.

He smiled at me, he picked up the cauldron on the floor and look at me, "Is your skin really like this? Are you really not a foreigner?"

Blinking a few times I look at P'Tam with wide eye, "Excuse me Sir..."

"I'm sorry..." He scratched the back of his head, "My daughter is a fan of a Korean idol group. I'm saying that you look like a Korean. Why does your skin is so white?"

I flashed a smile at the old man. I didn't notice it because artist in Thailand are all fair skin. They look different than the usual color of a South Asian countries which possessed dark skin tone but- "It's probably because of my Genes... My ancestors are Chinese."

"That explains why..." He trailed plastering a small smile on his face.

"Nine!" We both turn to look at the person who called my name.

"Joong called you. Nice to meet you N'nai." I bowed a little to him. "Please be more careful okay?"

I don't know why he said that but I'm really doing that not just for me but for the persons who wants to see I'm  good health.

Joong lead the way to a small road not far from the house. I expected it to be bumpy and muddy but all I see is the concrete cement on the road. This place is pretty secluded, tall trees are seen beside the two way road. I scanned the whole place there's not even a transportation pass the said area.

Joong stopped at the milky white motor scooter parked beside the road. My brows furrowed, "You know how to ride this?" I asked pertaining to the parked motor scooter. I mean, I just don't  think he knows how to ride this- Joong arched his brow at my question.

My lips protruded, I've never been in a motor scooter. Sure my friend uses motor bike but it's a big risk! Pavel don't know what speed limit is. I'll probably gonna die from heart attack before arriving at our destination.

However, Joong is different from Pavel. Besides this is a motor scooter this will be less dangerous than a big motor bike right? I'm scared.

"Trust me on this." Joong pulled me closer putting a helmet on my head. "Alright?"

I don't know how I got a phobia on riding a motorbike when I haven't had any experience riding one. It should be alright... I assured myself.

Even with wobbled knees I tried to get on the scooter. I heave sigh, if the gang will see me I probably be grilled with teased. It's only a scooter Nine! What are you afraid of?

"Ready?" Joong asked as soon as I settled. I didn't answer him instead I lowered my head. My hands and knees were trembling badly. My heart is beating loudly not on the flattery way. Why are you so scared Nine?

"If your that terrified we can just walk." Joong said softly. I bit my lower lip as it starts to quiver. A part of me wants to get of and run away like a coward but the other side of me wants to conquer this phobia whatever the cause of this.

"No, I'm fine." I want to do this. I F I don't want are the possibilities that I have a chance to break free from this phobia? The chances are slim that I can conquer but I willing to take risk.

"Are you sure?" Joong asked, I can't see his face as I was sitting behind him but I can feel his worries. Warmth enveloped my whole being. What am I scared for? His the one that will drive, he will not deliver me into the pit of death right? "Hold on my waist. Just close your eyes if it scares you so much. Or just tell me to stop alright?"

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