✨🛹 𝕊𝕜𝕒𝕥𝕖 𝟝 🛹✨

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~Your POV:~
After class had finished, I began to head out of the classroom. But before I could, Reki called my name and stopped me from leaving.

"Y/N, wait!" Reki calls out.

"Hmm?" I say.

"You said you'd help me teach Langa." Reki points out.

"Ah... I did, didn't I?" I say.

"Yeah." Reki says.

We fall into silence before leaving the classroom and I end up following behind Reki and Langa. I was following them until we arrived at a skate park. I haven't been here before. It looks cool. Very bland but cool.

"We're gonna teach you how to perfect an ollie!" Reki exclaims.

"How?" Langa asks.

"By having you jump over water bottles with the board." Reki explains.

"Water bottles? How is that gonna help?" Langa asks.

"Just watch." I say.

Reki sets up the water bottles and I show him what an ollie is and why the water bottles are important. As he watched, I noticed his eyes sparkle almost like he was extremely intrigued by what was going on. I knew Langa was new to skating so there was gonna be quite a lot of injuries. Which is why I grabbed my first-aid kit when I left mine this morning.

He started trying to do an ollie but fell. I think he's so used to the board flying with him. As in staying attached to his feet. And there not being a chance for the board to actually fly away from his feet or land before he did. He fell on his ass. We practiced a couple more times before it was getting late. I decided to head home before the two of them. I had stuff to prepare for.

I had a beef with Reki today. Well, Fire Phoenix has a beef with Reki today. Reki and Langa probably noticed that I was on edge today. I never talk about my family. Ever. The reason being because of a deal they made before they passed. They made a deal with a businessman. That when they died, I would move in with them. They would then be my legal guardian.

But I ran away. And no one knew where I went. I left Okinawa for a while before moving back here. I moved out to Tokyo. Where I fell in love with skateboarding. Before then, my parents paid for me to have snowboarding and ice skating lessons. First it was snowboarding since we lived near the mountains. When I was little, I lived in Hokkaido. Well, Otaro which is located in Hokkaido. We used to go up to Kiroro every weekend. It was about an hour drive but that was only because it was the nearest village to the mountains.

When I got a bit fed up with snowboarding, we moved. We moved to Shibuya. Which was located in Tokyo. Again, every weekend I would go to the Tokyo Midtown Ice Rink which was only 11 minutes from our house. I sort of fazed out of ice skating. But this time, we moved because of my mother and father's job. They run a business and an external business partner reached out to them. So then we moved to Okinawa.

Once they died, I moved back to Tokyo. But I moved to Arakawa City. It was only half an hour from my old house in Shibuya. But I moved there to hide away from all those people looking for me. When my parents died, I inherited all of the money which was why I was able to move to Arakawa City. Which was where I met my so-called friend. She let me move in with her before I left for Okinawa.

Now here I am. Sat in my room, contemplating when I'll see him again. Hopefully never. I'm sat in my room preparing for tonight. Let's hope I can actually focus. I find my skateboard. The one Fire Phoenix uses. I throw on my outfit and fix my mask into my face. I then head for my front door and put on my shoes. I open the front door and then close it, skateboard in hand. I lock the door and head off to S.

Once I get there, I show my badge to the guys on the gate and head inside. I see Reki stood near Langa. I didn't think he was going to come. I notice Shadow, JOE and Cherry Blossom watching as well. How long before he finds out who I am? Cherry Blossom I mean. CARLA could easily figure it out. I don't even know why someone would want a talking skateboard.

Now I just have to think what I want from Reki if I actually win. I think I know what he wants. He probably wants me to reveal who I am. As in reveal the true identity of Fire Phoenix. Maybe I could get him to make me a bento? His look so good. But what's the betting his mother made it?

"Fire Phoenix?! You came!" Reki says.

"What, you thought I'd chicken out?" I tease.

"Wha- no!" He says.

"So what are the conditions of the beef?" I ask.

"If I win, you have to reveal your true identity!" Reki exclaims.

"Ok well I don't really want anything from you. So, you have to make your closest friends bento boxes the next time you see them at school." I say.

"That's so random." Reki says.

"Like I said, I don't want anything. I don't like taking things from other people or making them do things that they don't actually want to do." I say.

"Who knew Fire Phoenix had a soft side." Reki says.

"This is not a soft side! This is how I always act!" I exclaim.

"Sure, sure." Reki teases.

"Let's just get this race over with." I say.

"Ok. Ok." Reki says, raising his hands in defeat.

We headed to the start line and put our boards down. A woman with a flag stood near the lights.






The race soon began and it was if it ended in a flash. I had won. Yet again. I want to race against someone who will give me a run for my money. So far, Langa's the only one. And he's new! I want proper competition. Not that Reki isn't proper competition. I actually enjoy skating against Reki.

Once on the finish line, Reki faces me.

"Guess I'm making bentos for my friends tomorrow." He says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You know, I have never raced against someone who's condition is so simple. Normally I'm trying my hardest to win. Not that I wasn't today. But most times I'm scared of losing cos of the conditions. You make skating fun!" Reki says to me.

I didn't know what to say. I make racing fun? I don't like seeing people upset. However, there is only one person who I will not go easy on when it comes to S. But he isn't here. Thank fuck.

I bid farewell to Reki and Langa before skating home. Did he mean it? That I make skating fun? Reki. What are you doing to me?

Ok so I did some research before writing this chapter. All of the places I named (Otaro, Hokkaido, Kiroro - it's a ski resort, Shibuya, Tokyo Midtown Ice Rink - yes it's a real rink and then Okinawa - anime is based there) actually exist. Like they're not made up. It took forever to find them tho. Anyway, see ya next chapter!

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