→ 𝙞𝙞.

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EVERYONE SAT AROUND EL AND SEV AS THE FORMER HAD HER EYES CLOSED. Sev was only there if she needed any help, which she probably wouldn't because she's powerful herself. The static buzzed as Sev kept his eyes on her, pictures of Will and Barb on the table. El's eyes moved quickly as the light buffered, before stopping completely. El then opened her eyes, looking to Sev straight away. She then looked to Joyce, her lips trembling. "I'm sorry." She spoke, Joyce's face dropping. "What?" She asked quickly, Jonathan squeezing his Mother's hand. "I can't find them." El spoke as if she were disappointed in herself, Sev rubbing her shoulder. Joyce tried not to cry in front of everyone, Jonathan leaving the room as El left too, Sev following. "Could he try?" Joyce asked Mike, the boy shaking his head.

"He can't do that. Only El can. Sev helps her look most of the time." Mike spoke softly, Joyce covering her mouth. "You okay?" Sev asked softly, El looking away from the mirror and to him. "I can't find them." She spoke again, Sev shutting the door and walking to hug her. "It's okay." Sev whispered, rocking his sister back and forth as she laid her eyes on the- "Bathtub." El spoke, Sev's face scrunching up. "What-" "The bathtub." El spoke again, pulling herself out of Sev's arms and walking out. Sev only stared at the bathtub before nodding slowly, following. "...they need to recharge sometimes-" "The bath." El spoke, the group watching Sev struggle to shut the bathroom door before giving up and leaving it. "What?" Joyce asked, El looking around nervously as her brother stood next to her.

"I can find them."


AFTER LEARNING FROM MR CLARKE ON HOW TO BUILD A SENSORY DEPRIVATION TANK, THE GROUP DECIDED TO GO TO HAWKINS MIDDLE FOR SUPPLIES. This led to Joyce sitting ahead of Sev and El, making goggles for the latter. "This will make it dark like in your bathtub." Joyce informed, Sev looking around the classroom they were in. "You're a very brave girl." Sev looked back when Joyce complimented El, the girl nodding as Joyce turned to Sev. "And you're a great brother." She spoke, Sev nodding slowly. "Everything you're both willing to do for my boy... for Will... for my family...thank you." Joyce sniffled, Sev smiling as Joyce grabbed El's hands lightly. "Listen," She looked at Sev. "We're both gonna be with you the whole time." She assured, El looking to Sev as he nodded. "If it ever gets too scary... in there, just let me know, okay?" Joyce asked, El nodding. "Yes." The two girls shared a smile.

"You're like the brother I always wanted." Joyce spoke, smiling as she put her hand on Sev's shoulder, the boy not knowing what to do as he only smiled at the woman. She returned the gesture, turning back to El. "You ready?" She asked, El nodding again.



SEV HAD HIS HAND ON EL'S AS SHE PUT THE GOGGLES ON, JOYCE TAKING HER OTHER HAND AS THEY LEAD HER INTO THE POOL SAFELY. Everyone watched as she laid down, floating as Sev sat by her head, next to Joyce. The lights in the gymnasium flickered and buzzed as soon as El closed her eyes, fully turning off. El was silent for a while, Sev letting Joyce wrap an arm around his shoulder in worry for her son. Sev sat up quickly when El started to shuffle and whimper, the boy looking to Mike and Nancy. "What's going on?" Nancy asked the boy, him shrugging. "Don't know." Sev answered, Nancy leaning towards El. "Is Barb okay? Is she okay?" Nancy asked, El shaking her head and screaming 'gone' as Sev grabbed her hand. Joyce jumped when Sev blinked, his eyes going red as his hands glowed. Hopper just watched in fascination as El seemed to calm down again, everyone looking to Sev.

The boy didn't look back as he only focused on his sister, her quieting down before she asked. "Will?" El asked softly, everyone gasping but Sev. "Tell him I'm coming. Mom is coming." Joke asked, Eleven repeating it quietly. "Hurry." Will spoke through the radio on the metal table it was perched on. "Tell him to stay where he is." Joyce spoke again, El repeating it again before Sev's hands buffered, Dustin leaning forward. "Sev, stop." He spoke, Hopper confused. "What? Why?" He asked, Lucas sighing. "The last time that happened he passed out of exhaustion." Lucas spoke, Hopper nodding and leaning towards Sev. "I know you want to help your sister, but, please, stop." Hopper whispered, the three boys watching as Sev held on longer before finally letting go, blood dripping down both of his nostrils. "Oh..." Joyce spoke, taking her sleeve and wiping the blood as she cupped Sev's face.

"Will? Will?" El spoke softly, them looking back to her quickly as she started to panic again. "Will!" She screamed, sitting up as Joyce was quick to hold her, stroking her head and soothing her. Sev trusted this woman as he held his sister's hand comfortingly.


[859 words!]

Hope you enjoyed!!


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