→ 𝙞𝙞𝙞𝙞.

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"WARDEN, BEAUTIFUL PRISON YOU GOT HERE. HOW ABOUT THIS? HUH?" MURRAY REHEARSED HIS LINES AS HE STOOD AHEAD OF JOYCE AND YURI. The two adults had managed to dress Yuri like Murray and have Murray do the same, going to the prison themselves. Now Murray had to act like Yuri. Given his rehearsal. "How about that? Huh?" Murray pulled the gun out, Joyce rolling her eyes as Yuri flinched a little. "Huh!" He jolted the gun forwards towards no one, Joyce groaning. "That's what I thought, yeah. Warden." Murray chuckled confidently, holding his hand out to the air ahead of him. "Nice to meet you. Uh, I'm Yuri, of course, but allow me to introduce you to my very-" Murray tried to pull the gun out, dropping it instead. "Shit-" "Murray!" Joyce muffled, the man quick to pull her mouth muffle off.

"What?" He asked, Joyce inhaling deeply. "Can you please stop playing with that thing?" She asked, terrified that he may fail again and accidentally shoot someone. "Will you please stop trying to talking to me and stay in character?" Murray shot back, Joyce huffing. "Remember, you are frightened, scared, confused." He reminded as if he was the woman's drama teacher, her nodding. "Yes, I am frightened, scared, and-" "Okay, all right. Good." He missed her sarcasm, putting her mouth muffle back on. The two halted when the door opened, the warden arriving. "Yuri Ismaylov." He greeted, Murray putting on smile as he walked forward. The two laughed together, Yuri rolling his eyes as he started to struggle through his restraints. "At last, we meet." The Russian spoke, ignoring Yuri as Murray nodded. "Comrade Major." Murray bowed lightly, watching the man nod to Yuri.

"This is the Bauman spy?" He asked, walking past Murray. Yuri struggled more, Joyce doing the same to make it not look as if she was calm. "He looks different." The Russian turned to Murray, the fake smile on his face never faltering. "Uglier in person, I know. He also shaved his beard to disguise himself." Murray partly told the truth, the comrade staring between them both. "Cheeky bastard." Murray laughed, slapping Yuri. "Silence, American scum! Enough from you. Enough!" Murray yelled, Yuri moaning in pain as Murray laughed towards the comrade. "Now, this one. This one I would recognise a continent away." Joyce tensed when the comrade stepped in front of her, scanning her outfit. "She was more beautiful in her uniform, but still, quite striking, isn't she?" He asked Murray, the man holding her shoulders. "Yes, very pleasing to the eyes, comrade. But not so pleasing to the ears, I'm afraid." Murray joked along.

Taking off her mouth muffle, Murray begged she had a degree in acting- "Where is Hopper? Where is the boy? What have you done with them, you vile commie pig?" Murray flinched back a little as Joyce yelled at the comrade, him sighing. "As I said," Murray put the mouth muffle back on Joyce. "unpleasant." He spoke, watching the comrade's tongue poke the inside of his cheek in distaste. "They don't know where Subject Seven is?" He asked, his biggest hope being they'd know where he is. Murray halted, shaking his head quickly. "I questioned them and they said they have no idea where he may be." Murray shrugged, watching the comrade sigh shakily. "They haven't seen him. He was last spotted near Ohio, close to Kentucky. That was a year ago." The comrade spoke softly, Murray nodding. At least they knew now he was near Hawkins. Well, not far from it. "I was never able to find him anywhere." Murray shrugged, Joyce remembering the two states.

𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑠𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛, 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨Where stories live. Discover now