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LUCAS AND DUSTIN WAITED IN THE STOLEN TRAILER WITH EDDIE AND SEB, THE LATTER SIMPLY STARING OUT OF THE WINDOW FROM THE PASSENGER SEAT. "So much for avoiding angry hicks." Robin spoke, the rest of the group observing War Zone...

it being full of them.

"Let's be... fast." Nancy announced, Robin nodding. "Yep-" "Definitely." Erica interrupted, everyone splitting up. Max went on her own course, Erica shoving anything she found remotely useful into a cart as Steve grabbed clothes for both him and Sebastian, meeting Robin halfway. "How many of these do you think we need?" She asked, Steve shrugging. "Five or six." He spoke, holding Seb's clothes over his arm. Robin glanced to them, Steve sighing. "My clothes are way too big and he's been wearing them for a week." Steve reasoned, Robin nodding. "True." She hummed, picking up another can and placing it into her cart. The girl froze, Steve not noticing as he picked up cans himself. Robin saw Vickie across the store looking through certain key-rings. Steve noticed this once he put the cans in the cart, following Robin's gaze. "What are you gonna do? Stand and gawk?" He asked, Robin huffing. "Shut up." She spoke, mesmerised by the girl she was watching. Moving forward, Robin shoved herself back once a boy surprised Vickie, the ginger girl jumping.

"Jesus, you scared me." Her voice spoke, Robin watching the two laugh together. Steve glanced at Robin, squeezing his lips shut as she watched silently. "Woah. You gonna mace me with that?" The boy asked Vickie, her holding up the small carton of gasoline. "If it keeps you in line, yeah." She spoke, smiling as Robin felt herself freeze. Steve winced slightly as Robin watched Vickie kiss the boy, him smiling. "See? Not so scary." He smiled, kissing her cheek as her face turned, eyes meeting Robins. The boy felt her tense, Robin rushing away as Steve failed in stopping her. The boy saw this, looking to Vickie. "Who's that?" He asked, Vickie watching her previous spot. "Someone from band." She spoke, not taking her eyes off of the spot. Nancy unknowingly tested out the shotgun she had in her hands, cocking it. "How much is this?" She asked, staring at the barrel as the man stood ahead of her. "$120.99, but I'll throw in 20 rounds of buckshot for ya." He nodded, Nancy politely smiling. "Hey, can I see this real pretty .357, please?" A voice made her freeze, Nancy tensing in her spot.

"Sure thing." The man spoke, moving from Nancy. Looking at Jason, the girl quickly looked away, using her hair to hide her face- "Nancy Wheeler." Jason spoke, holding the gun as Nancy put on a smile to face the boy. "Wouldn't expect to find you here." He spoke, Nancy nodding. "Yeah. well, it's just... scary times." She spoke smoothly, Erica strutting through the aisles. The boxes in her cart rustled when she saw the backs of Nancy and Jason. He was here? "I'm... sorry about Chrissy." Nancy spoke, Jason nodding hesitantly. "Want my advice?" He asked, Nancy's eyebrows raising in curiosity. "Shotguns are not good for much of anything past killing small birds." The man looked between the two, Erica watching Jason step closer to Nancy. "I mean, they got power, sure, but not much range. And that's just gonna force you into close-range combat, then someone can grab the barrel like this-" Nancy gasped, Erica flinching as Jason gripped the barrel of the gun. "and redirect it." He spoke, Erica slowly walking back as she saw more jerseys around her.

𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑠𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛, 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨Where stories live. Discover now