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"OH, JESUS!" HOPPER SHOUTED IN FRIGHT, EL AND SEB STOOD BEHIND HIM WITH SHEETS OVER THEIR HEADS. "Ghosts." El spoke, Hopper nodding and plating up breakfast for the three. "I see that." Hopper mumbled, Seb looking at the toast. "Halloween." El continued, Hopper nodding. "Sure is. But right now, it's breakfast, okay? Come on, let's eat." Hopper spoke, Seb nodding quickly and sitting at the table with his orange juice as El stayed put. Seb took the sheet off as he sat comfortably, watching as El stayed where she was. "They wouldn't see us." El spoke, Hopper confused as he put a plate ahead of Seb. "Who wouldn't see you?" Hopper asked as he took El's and his plates to the table. "The bad men." El answered as she followed Hopper. "What are you talking about?" Hopper asked, sitting down himself as Seb started to eat.

"Trick or treat." She spoke slowly, Hopper looking to Seb. "You want to do this too?" He asked, knowing Seb wasn't well with the idea of going out. "If Yoda wants to." He spoke, El smiling under her sheet. "Yoda?" Hopper asked, very confused as Seb smiled. "El's like Yoda." Hopper nodded slowly, Seb eating again. "So you want to go trick or treating?" Hopper asked, El nodding as Hopper stood up again, shaking his head. "You know the rules." He spoke, walking away. "Yes, but-" "Yeah, so you know the answer." Hopper interrupted, Seb not bothered as he focused on his food. "No, but they wouldn't see me." El spoke, Hopper placing her in her seat at the table. "No. Hey. I don't care." Hopper shot back, leaning towards El. "You two go out there, ghosts or not, it's a risk. We don't take risks. All right?" Hopper asked, taking his hands off of El's shoulders.

"They're stupid, and..." Hopper trailed off, both El and Seb rolling their eyes. "We're not stupid!" El shot back, Hopper hitting Seb's shoulder. "Well, I'm not stupid." He spoke, Hopper nodding none-the-less. "Exactly. Now, you take that off, sit down and eat. Your food's getting cold." Hopper spoke, El doing as told with a huff. Seb only seemed to realise that syrup was there as Hopper decorated his and El's with it. Seb only pushed his half eaten plate forward. Hopper looked to him as Seb nodded, Hopper putting syrup on his plate. Both him and Hopper ate without a fuss as El sat there, a sour look on her face. "All right, look..." Hopper sighed, leaning forward. "How about I get off early tonight, and I buy us a bunch of candy, and we can sit around and get fat, and we all watch a scary movie together?" Seb looked up at Hopper's offer, intrigued. "How's that for a compromise?" Hopper continued, El's face scrunching up.

"Compromise?" She asked, Hopper smiling. "It's-" "It's a half promise. Like, we can't do the good thing so we do the thing that could be horrible or somewhat okay." Both El and Hopper looked to Seb shocked. "How-" "Encyclopedia and dictionaries go a long way." He interrupted Hopper again, the man shocked for words. "You need to stop finding a personality." The man advised, Seb eating the rest of his food mindlessly. "Anyway..." Hopper trailed off, El smiling at her brother. "Yeah, it's basically halfway happy." Hopper added, El looking away still. "How about that's your word for the day?" Hopper asked El. She didn't sit and study words like Seb did, she would much rather be watching TV or trying to contact Mike. "Five-One-Five?" El asked, Seb looking back up again. "Five fifteen. Yeah," Hopper nodded, turning to Seb. "Five fifteen." He spoke, Seb sighing before finishing his food and getting up to put his plate in the sink.

𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑠𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛, 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨Where stories live. Discover now