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AFTER LEARNING THAT THIS GROUP HUNTS AND KILLS THE BAD MEN THAT WORKED AT THE LAB, KALI HAD TRIED TO PERSUADE SEB AND EL THAT THEY SHOULD JOIN. Kali led the two outside, Seb squinting at the sudden light. "I was just like you two once. I kept my anger inside and I tried to hide form it. But then, the pain festered." Kali informed, El turning to her. "Festered?" She asked, Kali stopping. "It spread. Until finally I confronted my pain, and I began to heal." Kali spoke before walking off again and leading them to another place. "See those two trains?" She asked, the twins nodding. "Yes." El answered, Kali turning to the girl. "I want you to draw one each to us." Kali ordered, El nodding and concentrating. Seb heard the train creak as his eyes went red, his hands glowing. He clicked, a hundred tendrils connecting to the wheels as Kali looked to him in amazement.

He then began pulling as El began straining already. The girl was already out of breath as Seb's tendrils started to snap, the boy straining as he attached more. Kali patted his back in support, the rest of the tendrils snapping slowly. Seb heard Kali give El a pep talk as he was reconnecting tendrils every second. El looked in slight amazement as Seb's train was quite far ahead of hers. The girls watched Seb before he ran out of energy quickly, El trying again before Kali stopped them. "Why don't you two have a race?" She offered, Seb and El turning to each other. "Race?" El asked, Seb nodding as he reached to wipe the blood from El's nose. "Race." He confirmed, the girl smiling. "Three, two, one!" Kali spoke, El really trying as the group stood at the side, watching. "What the fuck?" Axel asked, him and Dottie watching Seb's tendrils connect to the train and pull it.

"Go on!" Funshine yelled as a cheer, El smiling as she started it pull her train faster than Seb. "Oi!" The boy grinned, feeling another drop of blood drip down his other nostril. "Yes, Jane." Kali spoke, Seb turning to her offended as he held on to his tendrils. "That's so unfair." He spoke breathlessly, Kali moving his head for him to focus. "You'll win if you look." She smirked, Seb scoffing and connecting more tendrils. "Jane's gonna win!" Funshine spoke, Seb ignoring them as he pulled harder, the group startled when his train jolted forward. "And..." Kali started, moving to the side so she can see who wins. Both twins gave one final push before El fell down, exhausted. "Jane wins!" Kali spoke, the group moving to El and congratulating her. Seb stood breathless, catching it quickly and smiling. The group awed when El jumped onto Seb, hugging him tightly. The boy laughed, hugging her back just as tight.


"DO EITHER OF YOU KNOW ANY OF THESE MEN?" KALI ASKED AS THE GROUP STOOD AROUND A TABLE THAT WAS COVERED IN LAB MEN'S ID'S. El scanned over it, Seb holding the tissue that Funshine gave him to his nose. "Him." She spoke, Seb looking to see a very particular man. It was the man that Dr Brenner told Seb to kill one day at the lab. El took the article off of the wall, glaring at the picture of him. "Papa told me to kill him one day." He spoke, the group turning to him. "Did you?" Kali asked quickly, Seb shaking his head to the woman. "No." He answered, El turning to them. "He hurt Mama." El informed, Seb's eye's widening. "Well, I'll kill him now." He spoke, the group smiling lightly. "His name is Ray Caroll. And he did more than hurt your Mother. The bad men like Ray, they know about us. It's made them hard to track. But maybe not anymore." Kali spoke, looking to El as did Seb.

𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑠𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛, 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨Where stories live. Discover now