→ 𝙞𝙞𝙞.

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"SORRY ABOUT ALL THE THEATRICS." DR OWEN APOLOGISED AS HE SAT ACROSS FROM EL IN A DINER. The girl had had a rough day. She had been questioned, sent to juvie then taken by Dr Owens for some unknown reason. "I... I didn't mean to scare you." He continued, El staring straight at him blankly. She wanted to go home. "But you got yourself into quite the little predicament, didn't you?" He asked, El drinking her water silently. "You know I relocated you guys to Lenora because I thought, you know, 'Safe town, small dull, far from Hawkins. Nothing could happen here'" He explained.

El just crossed her arms. "And what was it? A roller skate or something?" He asked, sighing once no response left El. "Ready to order some food?" The two looked to a woman at their table, notebook in hand. "I think so. Yeah. I'll just have some more coffee and, um, I'll have a..." El watched tiredly. "How about the club special?" Dr Owens smiled to the waitress, the woman nodding and writing down his order. "Whatever you want, kiddo. It's on me." Owens spoke, El looking to the menu. "Waffles, please." She rasped out politely, the waitress giving her a warm smile and writing down the order.

"Never too late for breakfast, that's what I say." Dr Owens smiled as the waitress walked away. "Am I in trouble?" El asked, Dr Owens shrugging. "For the roller skate thing? No, no, no, no." He spoke, El staring at him. "We'll make that go away. Don't even... don't even worry about that." He assured further, looking down to his coffee. "That's not why you're here?" El caught on, Owen's aura switching. "To be honest with you, kid, I... I wish it was. Last night, I saw something." Owens started to explain, El listening intently. "Something I've been dreading for some time. I don't know how to say it other than just to say it." Owen's sighed, El hoping he didn't say one thing.

The Upside Down.

"Hawkins is in danger. You have fought this evil before and you've won." Dr Owens explained, El inhaling sharply. "But this evil, it's like a virus. Each time it returns, it comes back stronger, smarter, deadlier. A war is coming to Hawkins." Dr Owens spoke, El gulping down tears as she listened. "There are good people, brave friends, who have helped you fight your battle in the past." Owens assured, El looking down. No one like Sebastian. "But they alone can't win this war, not without you. I know it's not fair to ask more of you, but I wouldn't be here if I didn't think this was the only way, if I didn't think you are now the only one who might have a shot to hit this thing so hard it can't get back up."

El listened silently, Owens staring into her eyes. "Now that your brother is gone, you are the only one who I truly believe stands a chance. I would've told him the exact same." He spoke up, seeing El flinch lightly at the mention of her brother. "I don't have my powers." She spoke, leaning forward as Owen's held his hand forward. "What if I told you there was a way... a way to bring them back?" He suggested, El confused. "I feared this moment would come, so I've been preparing, developing the means to restore your abilities. A program that has the potential to not just bring them back, but bring them back stronger than before." He carried on, El leaning forward.

"But there are others who don't believe in you, who think you are the cause. I believe they're wrong. I believe you're the cure." He pointed towards the girl, El trying her hardest not to tear up. "That's why, if we're really gonna do this, I'm gonna ask that you leave with me now." Owens demanded, holding his hands together. "But you should know there is a very real possibility this program fails. And if it does, you will never see your friends again." Owens made clear, El humming. "My friends in Hawkins, are they in danger?" She asked, Owens squeezing his lips together. "I'm afraid your friends in Hawkins are very much... in the eye of the storm." He answered, El's eyes widening.

"You may feel you need to go to them now, but if you do, you will risk everything. Risk everyone." Owens explained, El looking down once more. "They're not the only ones in danger. it's life as we know it. This is why I'm here. Because I believe you are now our best hope. Our only hope." He spoke, El gulping. "What if I'm not good?" She asked, leaning forward once more. "What if I'm the monster?" She asked, Owens shrugging. "I don't know you that well, kiddo, but I'm betting the fate of the planet that you're one of the good ones." The man shrugged, El observing him. "But you've spent too much of your life being told what to do by people like me. I know that."

El looked down at the table, Owens humming. "So, you say the word and I will take you back home." Owens offered, El confused. He was giving her the choice? "Or... come with me now. Find out for yourself." He shrugged, El keeping eye contact with him,

whilst nodding.


Short but sweet xo

[910 words!]

Hope you enjoyed!!


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