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"HEY, UH, HENDERSON?" THE BOY LISTENED TO HIS PARTNER, HUMMING. "Could you, uh... clarify what sort of clues we're supposed to be looking for here?" Steve asked, Dustin stopping to face the boy. "The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes." Steve cringed at Dustin's mimic of a British accent, confused. "Sherlock Holmes." Dustin let out, seeing Steve's blank stare. Scoffing, Steve moved as Dustin moved past him, the elder teen nodding slowly. "That's great. Thanks. It's... just great." Dustin ignored the Harrington, searching the parts they wouldn't think to search. "So helpful. Sherlock..." Steve stopped himself once he saw a drain. Leaning down to it, Steve pulled it off, picking up a jar.

A dead black widow sat inside, Steve staring at it before yelping. He dropped the jar, flinching back as he panicked, moving away from the drain. "What?" Nancy's voice rung, Steve stopping himself once he hit her accidentally. "There was a spider." Steve spoke, Nancy confused. "What?" She asked, Steve huffing. "It's a back widow." He sulked, brushing his clothes repeatedly to get the spider off. "Okay." Nancy shrugged, not bothered by the insect as she watched Steve close the door to the room. Dustin was nowhere to be seen, Steve nodding to the door. "Don't go in there." He advised, Nancy looking to the back of his head. "Oh." She spoke, Steve confused once she reached back. "What? Hold on." He spoke, Nancy reaching for the spiderweb in his hair.

"Something? Shit. Okay-" "Stop moving. Wait." Nancy ordered, Steve doing as told as the girl pulled the web from his head. "I got it." She spoke, Robin leaning around the doorway. "If there's a spider, you're never going to find it till it lays eggs and the babies spill out of your head." She spoke, Steve huffing as Robin walked past him. "What's wrong with you?" He spoke, Robin laughing as Nancy pulled the last piece of web from his head. "Robin, seriously." Steve spoke, shivering at her sentence. "She's got problems." He whispered, Nancy nodding. "Tell me about it." She smiled, Steve humming. "It's cool you two are friends now. Maybe after we find Vecna, kill him, save the world and stuff, maybe we can all go out." Steve suggested, Nancy sighing with a smile.

"You know? Me, you, Robin, Jonathan, when he's back. It's not like we're dating. Me and Robin. Not like we're dating." Steve rambled on, not knowing how to let Nancy know without telling her Robin is into girls. The Buckley girl made it very clear that she wants no one to know, Steve keeping her secret since she told him in the mall bathroom. "She told you? That we're not?" Steve asked, Nancy nodding. "She made it very clear." Nancy spoke, Robin turning around. "Platonic with a capital P." She spoke, Steve looking to her. "Yes. Thank you. I mean... I would date her. It's just..." Nancy looked to him, the boy stuttering over his words. "She's just... We're. Never mind. We're friends." Steve huffed, Nancy nodding. "Just friends." She watched Steve nod.

"We should... get back to the investigation." He spoke, Nancy nodding slowly. "The obvious things are what people do observe." Steve tried to quote Dustin, seeing Nancy's confused expression. "Or doesn't observe..." He stuttered, Nancy beyond lost. "Sherlock Holmes." He shrugged, quickly walking past Nancy as she stared at the floor.

𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑠𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛, 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨Where stories live. Discover now