→ 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙞𝙩𝙚

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"JESUS, SLOW DOWN!" STEVE CALLED, SEB BREATHING HEAVIER. He didn't know what was happening, the connection he felt when El took his powers was happening again, except this time it was like she was scared. "Yeah, what is this, the Indy 500?" Robin laughed as she slurred, Seb staring forward. He needed to get to El.


"It's the Indy 300." Steve corrected, the two of them in the back of the carry vehicle. Dustin insisted on Seb sitting with him which meant he was sat between Dustin and Erica. "You alright?" Dustin asked, Seb staring at the boy. "Danger." He muttered, Dustin nodding slowly. "We're gonna save you guys, alright? Hold on." Dustin assured softly, Seb looking ahead with no emotion. Erica and Dustin stared at one another ahead of Seb, the former quite afraid. "No, it's 500!-" "It's 300!" Steve yelled, Seb ignoring them both. "Let's say a million." Robin compromised, the two laughing loudly. "What is wrong with them?" Erica asked, Dustin just as confused. "I don't know." He shrugged, the group finally getting to the elevator.

SEB SAT IN A CORNER WITH DUSTIN STOOD IN FRONT SO HE DIDN'T GET HURT ANYMORE THAN HE ALREADY WAS. Erica, afraid of Steve and Robin, stood next to Dustin, the three watching Steve and Robin. Seb's veins glowed red every so often, the drug not doing what it was supposed to do. It didn't mess up his conscious... it messed up his powers. They would randomly appear stronger. He felt powerless to his own powers. "They seem drunk." Erica told Dustin, him shrugging. "Why would they be drunk?" He asked, Steve cheering. Him and Robin had found a small table with wheels, Steve surfing on it. "I'm a natural! Check it out!" Steve yelled, before falling to the ground roughly. Robin just laughed, pointing to him. "Wipeout!" She yelled, the two laughing as Dustin sighed. Turning around, he crouched down to Seb's height.

"Don't move, okay?" Dustin asked, Seb staring up at him. "Hm." He let out, Dustin moving towards Steve. Feeling Steve's forehead, Dustin sighed. "He's burning up." Dustin told Erica, Steve humming. "You're burning up." He slurred, reaching for Dustin. "One sec, Steve. One sec." Dustin spoke, Steve whining when the younger boy pulled open his good eye. "His pupils are super dilated." Dustin informed, Erica looking down to Seb. Awkwardly, she leant down to gently touch his face. Flinching when his red eyes met hers, she observed his pupils. "His are really small." She spoke slowly, Dustin looking to her. "What?" He asked, Steve picking his nose. "That's gross." Erica spoke, standing back up again. In her defense, a ten year old girl had every right to be scared of what they were seeing right now.

Seb's face was mostly covered in blood, is skin pale as his hair was slicked down with sweat. His left eye was bruised and bloody and the veins around it glowed red, both of his eyes shining red. Dustin noticed they were shining brighter than before, Seb making eye contact with his best friend. "Holy shit." Dustin whispered, ignoring Steve as the older teen messed with is jacket collar. The whites in Seb's eyes were being replaced with a bright red... his entire eye being red. "Maybe they're drugged." Erica suggested, Dustin hesitantly looking towards Steve and away from Seb. "Boop!" Steve booped Dustin's nose, the boy flinching back. "Steve, are you drugged?" Dustin asked, slapping the older teen's face lightly. "How many times, Dad?" Steve scoffed, Robin giggling.

𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑠𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛, 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨Where stories live. Discover now