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"JACKPOT." DUSTIN SPOKE AS HIM AND ERICA FOUND THEMSELVES IN A ROOM FULL OF THE VIAL. Seeing a red transport car, the two rushed towards it. "You know how to drive?" Erica asked, Dustin shrugging. "How hard can it be? Max did it." Dustin got in the driver's seat, seeing a key slot. "Aw, come on." Dustin cursed, Erica sighing. "You seriously thought they'd leave key's in there?" She asked, Dustin searching the vehicle. "There's gotta be a spare." Erica left him to search, walking towards a metal crate. "Hey, Dustin?" She called, the boy looking to her. "Yeah?" He asked. "How big did you say that Demogorgon was?" Erica asked, Dustin shrugging. "Big. Nine feet or so. Why?" He asked, searching for the keys... or spare ones.

Ignoring him, Erica walked away, Dustin too busy lock picking. "Found 'em." He spoke with ag grin, that same grin fading when he didn't see Erica. "Erica?-" A loud zapping noise made Dustin flinch, him turning to see Erica with a stick. "What the hell is that?!" He yelled, Erica smiling. "A deadly weapon. Could be useful." She sassed, zapping it again. "For what?" Dustin asked, Erica sighing. "What do you think? Taking down Commies, saving your friends." Erica answered, Dustin looking to her. "I thought you were more realistic than that, nerd. We don't even know where they are, and even if we did, there are a million guards up there with weapons way deadlier than that. Especially with Sebastian. The best thing we can do is get out of here and go find help." Dustin spoke responsibly, getting into the vehicle after Erica.

"Easy with that." Dustin put his hand in front of the weapon as it was about to touch his face. "Our chances of surviving, and theirs, rises substantially. Just trust me on this. Please?" Dustin asked, Erica sighing.

"ON THE COUNT OF THREE, WE'RE GONNA HOP." ROBIN TOLD A BEATEN UP STEVE, THE TEEN NODDING. "Okay." He confirmed, the two having the plan to hop over to a table that had scissors on it so they can cut themselves free, find Seb, and escape. "One, two, three." The two hopped simultaneously, it working. "That worked-" "Okay." Steve smiled. "Okay, again." Robin spoke, Steve nodding quicker. "One, two three!" The two spoke, hopping again. It worked again, Robin laughing excitedly as Steve smiled. "This is gonna work! Okay, again." Robin spoke, the two hopping again...

It didn't work.

The two ended up on the floor, Robin grunting before laughing lightly. "It's okay, it's okay." Steve tried to soothe her 'crying', Robin laughing more. "Don't cry, Robin." Steve spoke softly, Robin giggling. "Are you laughing?" He asked confusedly, Robin nodding. "Jesus!" Steve cursed, leaning back on the floor. "I'm sorry!" Robin spoke, Steve thinking about Seb's wellbeing. The boy himself was still strapped to the machine, causing him to be standing up with his wrists at the top of his head, his feet tied together underneath him. Clips were attached to every part of him, making the machine electrocute him everywhere. Grunting, he shook himself again. Three clips had already fallen off, Seb trying to get the rest. His swollen eye didn't help his vision. Shaking again, another clip fell off before he looked up at the ceiling. How dare they do this to him? How dare he let them do this to him?

They wanted him. They wanted to do this to him. And they intended on doing this to his sister...

How dare they?

Closing his eyes, a red light flickered behind his eyelids, before disappearing. Taking quick breaths, he looked up at the ties. Blood poured down his nose as his eyes shone red, the energy travelling up his arms in his veins as they glowed. The boy's fists shone red as he pulled them apart, now having enough energy to do so. Whatever drug they injected into him made him stronger. With his legs still tied, Seb yelled as he fell to the floor, grunting as he used his arms to shield his face. Shuffling onto his back, Seb leant forward and grabbed his metal ties on his foot. Squeezing them, a sizzling sounded as they melted off. Gasping for his breathe back, Seb scrambled up, ripping all of the clips off of him. Scowling at the machine, he stumbled towards the door of the room.

Reaching along it, he saw two of everything. Two door handles. Two locks. Two doors. That was before a zap hit the door, Seb flinching away from it. He fell back, hearing grunting and yelling before nothing. Muttering was heard before the door opened. "Sebastian?" Dustin spoke, Seb on the floor. "Sebastian!" Dustin called happily, rushing to pick up Seb. Erica guarded the door before an alarm went off. Looking up, she saw the alarm above the door. If anyone opened that door that wasn't the general, the alarm would go off. "Guys, we need to find the other two." Erica reminded as Dustin hugged Seb. The boy was in a daze, his eyes red as blood covered his mouth. "Woah." Erica saw Seb's state and how sweaty he was, Dustin nodding.

"Alright. Come on." Dustin urged Seb with them, the boy stumbling around. Soldier's yelled as the three sneaked around to the room Steve and Robin were in. The soldiers were too distracted with another alarm that went off too, Seb grunting at the sound. Dustin and Erica had used the green liquid vats to melt the floor and get in. Rushing into the room, Seb scowled and held his hand out at the 'doctor' leaning towards Steve. Erica flinched when a red energy ball shot towards the man's chest, knocking him back towards the wall. His head hit the wall, knocking him out. Steve's eyes widened, Robin too drugged to notice. "Hey! Henderson! Hopper!" Steve called happily, Robin smiling. "Did they drug you too?" Robin asked Seb, him holding onto a wall. "Woah, your eyes are really red." Robin slurred, Seb ignoring her as Dustin untied the teens.

"That's crazy, Henderson. I was just talking about you." Steve spoke, Dustin ignoring him.

"Guys, get ready to run."


cool fun yes...

The big battle is soon so there's short chapters probably towards a huge one lol

[1055 words!]

Hope you enjoyed!!


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