Chapter seven

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Abigail's POV

I ripped my mouth from Zen felling the power and panic radiate from her. Her body seamed to get extremely hot. She looked like she was about to explode. I felt the power build up in her. We were still bonded. I was not going to break it.

I attempted to get closer but stopped  when she let out a big scream. She turned and faced the lake. Her body seamed to glow a faint color of blue. She let out another scream and blue flames lit her body on fire. It shot from her hands and her mouth as she screamed at the sky. It seamed to make a blue flamed beam.

My wolf wanted to run to her and hold her. I felt my self going towards her. If she was going to die then I was too. Even if I let her stand there. We are linked. If she died I would eventually die. She is my mate weather I like it or not. I hunged at her fiercely from behind letting my wolf take over.

I had never experienced magic or special powers but my mom had them and when she was trying to teach me she explained to me what it felt like. She described it exactly how it felt when I tackled Zen.

It hurt so bad. The amount of raw power that was now flying through my veins. I felt us tip over as we fell from the rock into the water. The raw energy I was feeling slowly diminished when we hit the water. I swam me and zen back up to the surface. She was not moving. I could hear her heart beat only faintly.

I was almost at the waters edge when some one helped me out of the water. I looked up and saw Mikala screaming orders as she dragged me out and my pack listened and went to fetch Zen. My hearing was only working for Zen. I would hear her heart beat but nothing else. My wolf wanted to be next to her.

Mikala sat me down and snapped her fingers in front of my face. I felt her slap her hands on my ears as all the sound came rushing back to me.

"Hey can you hear me?" Mikala yelled as I looked at her. "Good, what happened." She asked looking worried.

" caught on fire... Fire beam..." I stuttered. Mikalas eyes widened.

"Yall kissed." She said as more of a statement. I only nodded.

"What, do you know what happened?" I said trying to rise but only to fall again.

"We may have world war three on our hands if what I think just happened did just happen." She said slowly moving to Zen.

"Hey I'm going to check you ok." Merry said coming closer.

"I'm ok I just need to rest." I said stoping her from coming closer. "How is Zen?" I asked looking over at her still laying unconscious on the ground.

"I think she's going to be fine. Mikala doesn't seam to be worried. Maybe it was just a freak accident. I saw the blue beam and raced over. Mikala was already here with the pack. I guess they all saw it and came. Then she rushed to help you out of the water and yelled at us to get Zen." She rushed out taking a seat next to me. " Are you sure you're fine?"

"Yea, can you help me up please?" I asked as she stood I front of me with her palms stretched out. I stood up and almost fell.

"Maybe you should-"

"No I'm fine give me a second." I snapped. Merry kept her hand on my elbow and helped me walk towards Zen.

"Hey you need to rest. Once you have I will explain everything. She won't be conscious for a while. " Mikala said stoping me from seeing Zen. " I will bring her to your room because she needs to be next to you but you need to get up there and relax. I know what I'm doing. She will be fine if you fallow what I am saying to you." She said seriously. I nodded and Merry helped me back to the house.

We didn't say a word as I focused on getting to the house. The stairs were the hardest part. Once I was in my room I slowly changes into a tank top and shorts to sleep in.

"I will call the principle and tell him you are sick." Merry said leaving the room but I grabbed her hand and stopped her.

"Thank you. I'm sorry I snapped at you." I said. She pulled me into a hug.

"It's ok. You were worried about Zen. I understand." She said leaving.

I fell into bed and almost fell asleep but was awakened by the bed sinking down beside me. I opens my eyes to see Mikala laying down zen and Toby who looked different but the same. I guess it was the whole dying and being reborn thing. He laid down next to her on the opposite side.

"What is happening?" I asked barely awake.

"I think you guys are the ones." She said sitting next to Zen holding her hand." Before our planet was destroyed Zen's mom, who was the ruler of the planet, gave Zen a book and said you will save us. I was so little at the time I just thought she was crazy. As we floated through space, only Zen, Toby and I, in the only pod that survived the war she read the book to me. Reading it several times." She paused and I looked up and saw her almost lost in her own world. " It never made any sense till now. It spoke of two beings that would fall into perfect harmony, like yin and yang, either bring all kinds to peace and equality or bring great evil that would wipe out the entire world." She said as Toby nudged her hand. "Two from different worlds would unite all or destroy all."

"So why did zen turn into the blue human torch?" I asked scared at touching Zen.

"She will need a lot of power to gain the respect of all the different races. She will need to show them she is in charge and that it is ok to come out of hiding. You will too, but zen will have more power because she is a pure bread. She is a direct descendant from the creators. So was her mom and her grandfather. I don't know why Zen was chosen but she must pull through this." Mikala said squeezing her hand.

"So what's going on now?" I asked still a little dumbfounded at all of this.

"She is fighting for her life. She has to fight her beast who has all the new power she just absorbed and defeat it by herself." She said with a sigh.

"She can do that right?" I said starting to get worried.

"Yes she should be able to but sometimes it doesn't go as planed. Depending on how long it takes her to defeat it she will remain asleep till she does. we won't know till she wakes up." She said with a defeating tone.

"How long can this take?" I asked.

"I don't know. Hours, days, weeks, months even years. It's all up to Zen. Her body won't die because she has so much magic. She will just replenish herself if she needs it. We will just have to wait and see. " She said getting up." She will pull through this I just don't know how long that will take. Get some rest. I will be just down stairs." She said leaving.

I laid there. How was I just going to wait for Zen to get up? How long would she take. I almost reached out and touched her but stopped my self.

"You can touch her she will be happy to feel you." Toby said starting me.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"You all are almost one. She will be able to feel you any time you touch." He said laying down cuddling into Zen's opposing side. I grabbed her hand and relieve filled me as she was warm. I smiled a little and pulled her hand up to my chest with that I drifted off.

The chapters are messed up so look on like the list thing hat gives you the chapter name. Go in order of the names. Like one two three etc.sorry I don't know how to fix it.

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