Chapter 14

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We are nearing the end my great readers, thinking of a sequel? For USMC0904 who voted on the several parts of this story, thanks so much.

Zens POV

The sound of soft snoring woke me up. I was cuddled close to a very warm body. The memory of last night ran through my mind. I smiled and pulled her closer. She snoring stopped as she wrapped my arms tighter around her. She kissed my forearm and snuggled closer. I smiled as I kissed her head. 

"What do you wanna do today?" She asked me still facing away from me.

"Anything with you." I replied into her hair as the smell of apples and vanilla filled my nose.

"That's cute." She said turning around in my arms.

We laid here for a few minutes just staring into the others eyes. It was amazing her usually blue/ grey eyes were now a vivid mixture of green and blue. The green was on the inside while the blue circled around it. It was absolutely stunning.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked me her fingers played across my exposed chest and neck.

"How beautiful you are." I replied with a smile as she blushed and looked down trying to hide it.

"You are beautiful." She told me and I kissed her forehead.

"I know." I said, that made her look at me.

"Self centered much?" She laughed as her hands dipped a little bit lower. 

"What are you thinking about?" I said putting emphasis on 'you'.

"How many ways I can make you scream my name." She said looking up at me through her eyelashes.

Her finger tips spayed across my exposed nipples, heat struck my core. Her voice and the movement of her fingers almost made me moan at that moment.

"Abigail, Zen! Stop fucking, breakfast is ready!" Mikala yelled.

I groaned and buried my head in Abby's chest. I saw the marks I left on her last night and felt the heat come to my face.

"Baby, we should get dressed before they come up here and see you in all your glory. " Abs said to me while stroking my hair.

I let out an exasperated sigh. I'm to comfy right now. I disentangled my body from Abigail's and climbed out of bed. I closed my eyes as I reached high up, stretching my soar muscles. I let out a low groan as my shoulder started to tingle. I turned around to come nose to nose with a still naked Abigail.

"If you stretch  like that again I'm going to be having you for breakfast." She said, her lips grazing mine. "Let's get dressed love." She said putting her finger under my chin leading me to the closet.

I rolled my eyes before snapping my fingers. The sent of my magic filled the air. I dressed Abby and I in less than a second. She let out a yell before turning around and glaring at me. Her jaw fell slightly as she seemed to drink in my out fit.

I was in a pair of kaki shorts with a black and white muscle shirt. I had on my high top chuck taylors and my nice Rolex. My hair was now trimmed the way I liked it. Short on the sided a little longer on the top.

She was dressed in baby blue faded skinny jeans and a grey frilly lookin top. She had on a pair of heels, about two inches making her my height. Her hair was pulled back in a French pony tail and a few shorter strand frames her face.

She pulled me by the edges of my shirt closer to her making our bodies collide. She planted a small kiss on my lips then my nose. Them my eye lids then back to my lips.

"I love you." She whispered to my lips looking into my eyes.

My wolf demanded I take her right then and there. She saw the slight change in my eye color and kissed me again. She snakes her arms around my neck and I made sure to have her ass in my hands. I lifted her up and started down the stairs. I pulled away slightly, so we were noes to noes.

"I love you most." I said, gripping her ass a bit before pecking her on the lips.

We arrived at breakfast and again Merry cooked more then every one could eat. We had bacon, eggs, sausage, pancakes, waffles, and omelets.  Piled high, they had already eatin about half by the time we arrived. I was still carrying Abigail, it's not like they haven't seen that before.

I sat down with her in my lap and began to feed her.

'I can feed my self Charlotte.' She told me.

'Yea but then I wouldn't have an excuse to do this.' I said missing a bit of pancake making it land on the side of her face.

She glared at me. I tried to shrivel up and disappear I really did. She reached around and grabbed the whip cream. Why there was whipped cream on the table...I will never know. 'Uh oh'. She smiled. Every one watched and didn't move.

"It's ok baby, we all can't get it in the hole." She said out loud.

She put some whip cream on a bit of waffle.

"Open up baby, let momma show you how it's done." She said with a innocent smile.

I opened my mouth and she inched closer. For a second I thought all was gonna be well. I'm an idiot. She slammed that waffle into my face and whip cream when EVERY WHERE.

They all started laughing. They thought it was sooooo funny. I grabbed the whip cream and used my magic to pie every one of them in the face. It got quiet real quick. Abigail just looked at me with that 'your gonna pay for that glare'. I gulped.

Then all hell broke loose. Food was flying as Mikala yelled food fight and slammed a good sausage into the person on her lefts already messy face. Abbigail grabbed her pancake off her plate and slammed it strait onto my face.

I let it slide off my face before pulling her in for a kiss. I made sure to make it sloppy and kinda gross as I mixed the gunk on our faces together. She pulled away and starred at me before kissing me again deeply. She pulled at my neck hairs as I messed with her waist band.

I focused on my magic transferring us back to the room. I smelt my magic and felt the familiar tingle of my magic. When I opened my eyes we were not where I thought we were gonna be.

We were on the rock that I had my melt down. I used my magic again to rid Abigail and I of any foreign substance as I held onto her. She was still wrapped around me. I kissed her gently.

"I have so many bad memories here Zen." She told my stroking my face as I sat down.

"I know baby." I whispered.

"What is going to happen now?" She asked me laying her head on my chest.

"Well, we are going to start having to feed more mouths. We will have to have more of an apartment complex then a mansion. There will be many different kinds of people and beings show up because they are drawn to their queen. Like all beings of nature are." I said laying flat on my back. Content on holding Abigail like this my whole life. "We will rank every one and train them. You and I will go to Washington and talk to the person in charge. Give them out proposal. If they say no then we go to war. If they say yes then we will discuss the terms and rewrite the laws and regulations together." I said rubbing small circles in her back.

"Together." She repeated before crawling back on top of me."I want to make you scream my name Charlotte." She told me in a serious tone.

"Quite a direction change dear, you sure?" I asked a bit confused on the change in topic.

"Yes baby." She told me before she kissed me.

"As you wish my queen." I mumbles before connecting our tongues.

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