Chapter nine

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ZENS point of view starting where the last one ended.

She just called me doof and I let her. I'm becoming soft. Wonderful. I'm so glad I woke up. The timing was late but perfect. She had stayed by my side the whole time. The heavy make out session was something I could never get over. It was intense and epic.

She pulled me around a corner and I saw every one sitting there. Most of them I did not know. Mikala got up and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm so happy your back." she said pulling away and Toby jumped right into my arms.

"Me too. I was stuck with Mikala. She doesn't feed me well. Your mate does tho. She made me fat!" He said curling up into me and getting white cat hair all over me. He jumped down and I looked at Abigail and smiled, she gladly returned it.

"Come on you love birds I'm fucking hungry!!" Merry said at the table." I mean please sit down. I would very much like to eat now." She said sitting down.

My mate walked over and pulled out a chair at the head of the table that was bigger than the rest and had its matching pair next to it. I sat down and just waited as she sat next to me.

"Jacob will you say the blessing for us this morning." Abigail said as more of a statement rather than a question. Every one bowed there heads as she reached for my hand. I held on to it still a little confused.

"Thank you for this wonderful food and for finally allowing Zen to wake up. We all missed her badassness. Bles this food so it heals the sick and injured. Amen." he finished as every one mutters an amen and dug in.

Abigail looked at me and squeezed my hand and let go to enjoy her food. This was all so new to me. It's always been only three of us at a table. Not an entire group of people.

'Hey babe you should eat.' Abigail said through mind link.

'Yea I will. I'm still processing everything. I mean I've never had this many people at a dinning table before and it's all still kinda ... weird.' I said picking up my fork.

'They won't say anything to you. You are the second highest rank right now.' She said with out looking at me.

'Why am I not the first? I could kick every one of these peoples asses.' I said taking a bite of some bacon.

'I am alpha you are alphas mate. Once we mate mate you will become head alpha. Then I will become second in command.' She said with pride.

'Ohhh, can't we become equal?' I asked not wanting to deal with all that stuff as I really started chowing down on my food.

'No you are dominate, and more powerful. It would be better you be head alpha. That's how it's going to be.' She said looking at me.

I licked my thumb and reached over and wiped a smudge of syrup off the edge of her lips. I stuck my thumb in my mouth cleaning it before returning to eat.

'You had some syrup on your face.' I said innocently.

We finished breakfast and since it was Saturday it was training day and Abigail wanted me to train half the pack and Mikala the other so it could get done faster.

I lead a group of mostly males but two females one being my mate and the other her best friend Merry.

"Ok listen up. I want you all to find a partner. Abigail if you don't mind will you be my partner?" She nodded and walked up next to me. " Start sparing with your partner as a warm up. Get them pinned but do not kill. No major hits. No weapons. No shifting. You need to learn how to fight as human first it will help you with fighting as an animal. " I said as people paired up and started sparing.

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