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A/N ignore the girl but that is what Charlotte looks like when shes shifted.

My name is Charlotte Zen Carter. I am 437 years old. I have been searching for my mate since I can remember. I have been at earth for almost 50 years. I came here after my planet was destroyed. Me and my best friend Mikala, who is 344, were the only survivors.


I woke up to the sound of pots and pans being banged together. "Get up you you lazy bum!" Mikala yelled in my ear. "Get up. We have school. Remember. High school. Seniors. Us." She said putting her instruments down.

"Ok ok. I'll be ready in 15 ok." I said sitting up. I rubbed my face as she left. 'This is going to be a long day'. I got up and walked to the mirror. I looked at my self. A few scars from long hard battles were visible on my torso. I was built but I didn't look like it. My short dirty blond hair came to about half way down my neck. My eyes were brown with a bit of green around the middle.

"You said 15 minuets zen." Toby said from my bed stretching his limbs.

"Yea yea I know." I said throwing a pillow at him. I walked into my closet and picked out a pair of denim black skinny jeans, my leather belt. I pulled out my ' my girlfriends strap on is bigger than your boyfriends dick' t-shirt. And a nice leather jacket. To top it of I also put on my chain wallet and my pilot shades.

I walked out of my room with Toby on me heels. I never went anywhere without him. He is a solid white cat with the most beautiful eyes you had ever seen. One was green and the other was blue. He is also a shifter. He could grow to the size of a cotton picker. He could also shrink to the size of a foot ball. He and mikala were all I had.

I got on to my older flat black soft tail Harley Davison. Toby got into one of the back saddle bags that I had designed for him. Mikala got into her ford truck that was jacked up to the point that any one shorter than her had to use a step ladder. It was almost as loud as my Harley. I cranked up and left for school.

We arrived in the parking lot getting the two best spots. I turned of Haven and started to the entrance. I looked behind me to see Toby and Mikala.

"Zen do you have to walk so fast?" Toby asked."I have short legs Zen." I sighed and waited for the slow pokes to catch up.

'Toby you need to use the mind link because we are in public.'

'I know.'

We continued to walk into the building. Once we entered Toby jumped to my shoulder. We walked to the main office to get our schedule.

"How may I help you? The receptionist asked not looking up.

"Yes we are here to get out schedules." Mikala asked politely. I rolled my eyes.

"Name please." The lady asked annoyed and didn't look up.

" Mikala Kay Lovins and Charlotte Zen Carter." She said while exaggerating my first name. I hated it. When she said my name the receptionist looked up at me.

"What? Can you just give us our damn schedules." I said rolling my eyes. The lady nodded and Mikala frowned at me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Here." She said handing Mikala the papers. "Miss.Carter there are no pets allowed in school." She said carefully.

"You tell him that." I said as Toby jumped onto the desk and hissed at her. She jumped back in surprise.

"Toby." I said. He didn't move. "Tobester Alexander Carter!" I said. He jumped back into my shoulder. "Have a good day!" Mikala said pulling me out of the office.

This is only the beginning. Tell me if you like it. If so I'll keep going.

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