Chapter six

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I had just gotten out of the shower when I heard Mikala walk through the front door and yelled I'm home.

I quickly put on some of my faded skinny jeans and a black tank top. I grabbed my belt and my wallet and headed out of my room to tell Mikala.

I walked into the living room with my wallet in my mouth as I tried to buckle my belt but for some unknown reason I could not for the life of me get it to buckle.

"You having trouble there?" I heard Mikala ask coming closer.

"Mooo." I mumbled wile my wallet was in my mouth.

She showed my hands away and I slumped down. She mothers me so much even tho I was older. She did it with ease. I took my wallet out of my mouth and clipped the chain onto my belt and stuck it in my back pocket.

"Was that so hard?" Mikala said giving me a sarcastic look.

"Ha ha ha." I said sarcastically and pouted.

"What are you a baby?" She asked this made my frown deepen.

"No!" I said.

"Why did you change cloths? You usually come home and change into pjs and go to sleep." Mikala said as she flopped down on the couch. Toby ran to lay in the back of the couch.

"Not all the time. Today actually I'm going over to Abigail's around four so I'm just making sure I look ok, Toby are you going with me?" I asked because he was enjoying being with Mikala and well I don't want him to be a third wheel but he never lets me go anywhere alone. Mikala also flys faster than me so she is easily out of danger.

"Of course why do you even ask? I'll probably just fall asleep in a tree or something. " He said arching his back over the back of the couch.

Mikala caught my thought and pushed the rest of him over the couch. He landed with a thump. He just kinda laid there.

"You guys are ass holes." He said as me and Mikala busted out laughing.

"I thought cats always landed in there feet?" I said through laughs.

"They do. You forget I'm over 400 years old woman but I can still kick your ass." He said getting up but only to fall down. I walked closer and checked him im for injuries. "And I'm about to die, you may have to go to Abigail's alone. " He said. I carried him up to his dish and laid him in it.

"Try to be cooler this time ok!" I said with a smile as I rubbed behind his ears. "I'll see you when I get home. I don't know how late it will be tho." I said leaving.

"Hey he's ok right?" Mikala said sleeting a movie.

"Yea yea he's just gonna die but he will be ok. what movie are you watching?" I said looking at my watch seeing that it was only 3:00.

"Ummm Oculus. " she said as she started the movie.

"Is that the scary one that just came out?" I asked jumping over the back of the couch to watch it.

"Yep but don't you have to be somewhere?" Mikala asked as the movie started.

"Yea but not for an hour." I said as the beginning of the movie started.

I watched as the events unfolded. The start was kinda just a filler to tell you what the hell was going on. Now we were getting to see what was really going on. In the end the brother killed the sister and went to jail. Blah blah blah. That movie was fucking scary and sick. I looked at my watch. It read 4:30.

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