Chapter 12

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Mikalas point of view

I was leading the pack to wear Zen was fighting Alex. This was not good. My claws scraped the ground as Abigail came along side of me. Worry stained her face.

'Zen how ya doin'? We are almost there. ' I said as I picked up my speed.

'I'm fucking wonderful. I love getting thrown into trees. She's fucking three story's fucking tall. Hurry. ' She said as she ended the connection.

We finally arrived and the wolves went into action. The circled her and kept her distracted as Zen met up with me and Abigail.

We all shifted to make talking easier.

"Who the hell is she!?" Abigail asked annoyed.

"A pain in the ass ex girlfriend with separation issues." Zen mumbled with a frown. "Also the best hit woman I know. "

"Why is she here?" I questioned.

"To kill me before I bond with you, the elders sent her." Zen said rubbing her face.

"Shes an assassin!?" Abigail said throwing her hands in the air.

"What have you noticed?" I asked trying to stay focused.

"Why does everything have to happen today?!" Abigail said annoyed.

"I stole her knife belt. She is weak in her left side and sets her feet before blowing fire." Zen rushed out as she caught her breath.

"Guys, she sees us!" Abigail said facing Alex.

"Her scales are practically invincible." I said with a sigh. " We have to get her on her back. She is most vulnerable there."

"Yea, that could work." Zen mumbled thinking of a plan.

"Hello is any one listening!?" Abigail said pointing to Alex.

"What if we got her to a more condensed area of the forest? We would have the advantage." I said ignoring Abigail's rambling.

"Abigail where's the thickest part of the forest?" Zen asked putting her hands on Abigail's shoulders.

"Oh what now you listen to me?" Abigail said.

"Aug, Abigail!" Zen said.

"Fine, just fallow me." She said with a roll of her eyes.

'Go to the tree of Reha' she yelled to every one and they turned and ran after Abigail as she took of towards the woods.

"Running away now are we?" Alex asked with a nasty smirk.

"So you are a puppet. Doing as daddy dearest told you to do? Like you could possibly kill me ." Zen yelled as she slowly walked backwards the way Abigail ran.

"I am gonna kill you, you worthless piece of shit." she said fallowing Zen as she took of weaving in between the trees. Zen zigzagged in between trees keeping Alex at a dangerously close distance.

If allowed behind. The trees got thicker and Zen would yell snobby comments about Alex being slow. Alex would retaliate by blowing fire. The woods were getting thicker but Alex kept up with Zen. When Abigail signaled Zen she took of and left Alex in confusion.

"Zen, going to run now?" Alex yelled trying to look around but only getting her self in more of a tight squeeze.

"Nope, but your dumb as fuck." Zen said with her cocky smirk as Alex thrashed around damaging her self with the near by trees.

"No, I - I can't move." Alex yelled.

The wolves came out from hiding and surrounded her. Zen walked up to her face. She closed her eyes and shifted back into human. Alex and Zen had a stand off with there eyes as they communicated through mind link as the pack formed a circle around them. Not letting any one escape.

"No you cannot! I will -" she lunged at Zen who was ready for in and Alex looked in shock.

Zen had stuck her in the stomach with one of her blades. Alex staggered backwards before falling into the ground.

"I tried to let you go, I didn't want to kill you Alex." Zen said with a sad tone as we watched Alex stop breathing.

Zen looked at Abigail and she ran into her arms. The rest of the pack faded out. Zen started to sob. Her and Alex had a lot of history.

When we first came to earth, we had met Alex. She showed us the ropes and was a lot older then Zen. Her father was one of the elders who wanted zen dead. Alex was like a sister to Zen. She turned against her when her father found out about the prophecy. He sent Alex to kill her but she couldn't and she said that the next time this happened she would kill Zen.

I walked back to the pack house to give Zen some time. This was a low blow from the elders. Whatever is going to's gonna be big, and it's gonna happen soon.

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