He doesn't bite...too hard...

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(Hi, this is a request from @songsolar888 for a Vampire A.U Aizawa)

The dark of night was always welcoming despite the warnings everyone gave me, that monsters lurked behind every shadow. But I often find that the worst kind of monsters are the ones who bask in the sun, so when I went running in the woods just as the sun was setting, I didn't think anything of it.

I sit on a rock looking upon the steady stream that reflects the suns beaming light, my feet move back and forth slowly in the water. The woods were filled with sounds of birds chirping and deer prancing around peacefully, this was my safe space.

So, when an agonizing scream erupts in the depths of the tree's you can guess how startling it was, I quickly stand up focusing all my attention to any sign that what I heard was real. Another painful scream echoes through the forest, knocking animals out of their peace. Concerned, I quickly run towards the terrifying sound. Jumping over rocks, bushes, anything that could possibly get in my way as the voice continues to clutch my heart.

I round a corner and make it to the sight of a man lying in the dirt, his black hair hiding any of his features. A large wound has made an evident dent on the side of his bare torso, blood running down his very toned body.

I hide behind a tree and eye him closely, looking for any type of threat before I hear the man speak, "I know you're there, please I need help." he says desperately,

I reluctantly make my way out from behind the large piece of bark, his dark eyes meet mine instantly. My heart starts beating out of my chest, "S-sir what happened?" I ask shyly,

He smirks weakly, "I have been injured, please young lady don't be afraid. come closer."

I step towards his disheveled and bruised body without thinking, "Wh-what's your name?"

"Aizawa, Shota. and yours?" he asks out of breath,

I kneel down to his body, close enough to see the wound clearly, "I'm (Y/N)."

He huffs painfully, "Well little kitty, I could really use your help."

I nod my head ignoring the nickname because of how badly he's injured, "O-of course, I should go get help!"

"No, no need for that. If you would please just come closer."

I look at him suspiciously but lean closer to his face, his dark onyx eye's piercing my (E/C) ones. His jawline is graced with a little amount of scruff, eye bags prominent on his pale skin.

'He's so beautiful.' I thought before my mind goes blank and I'm no long able to move,

"Don't scream kitty." I hear Aizawa say before I see sharp fangs protrude out of his gums,

My eyes widen in fear as he leans up just enough to sink his fangs into my neck. My first reaction was to scream but nothing came out of my mouth, feeling blood slowly drip out of my neck. His arms wrap around my body, pulling me against his chest like I'm a toy someone was going to steal from him.

I continue my attempts at moving my limbs but am defeated by whatever power he has over me, soon the draining of my blood becomes too much, and I am greeted with darkness.

(Time skip)

I open my eyes, facing a gray ceiling. Feeling silk sheets under me, I Quickly lift my body up from it and grasp my neck as I scream. Backing myself up against the headboard as a shadow makes its way into the room so fast, I barely see it, "Calm down little kitty you're okay." Aizawa whispers to me while putting a hand over my mouth,

I scratch and pull at his hand that muffles my screams, soon feeling my mind becomes empty once again when I meet his eyes, "You are safe, I won't hurt you again. I'm so sorry."

Aizawa x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now