I don't approve of violence but when he....

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First of all I would like to apologize for my absence, life has been rough and This book was for fun but my other books I'm working on are more then that, also thank you guys for 1.39k views!!!!! I didn't think this would get that much attention but I appreciate it nonetheless. NOW! on with the chapter 💜

The air was warm, the sky a deep black with bright stars filling the sky as I walk out of U.A. As a quirkless teacher I have to be extra vigilant when it comes to walking alone from work, I'm the easiest target and I hate it.

It's late at night, the students long gone for the day. They've gone through a lot but when I was younger I would've done anything to go to this school, so the next best thing was teaching art to help these kids process their trauma.

My thoughts are interrupted by someone grabbing me from behind his rough hands bound to leave bruises, "I GOT HER LETS GO!" the masculine voice says,

I attempt to fight my way out of his hold before Another man grabs a hold of my wrists and push me backwards into the other mans chest, my adrenaline kicks in as I head butt the man behind me. He falls back letting go while the man in front of me wraps his hands around my wrists tighter, "you bitch!!" He yells,

I continue to fight against him before a black figure swings in and knocks said man to the side, making him let go.

I look to my left to see Aizawa beating the man who grabbed me to a pulp, the other man finally gets up and tries to attack me once again. I high kick him in the face, knocking him down to the ground before I walk over to Aizawa's violent performance, "Eraser it's okay, I'm fine now. Let's call the cops." I say kindly,

He turns his face towards me as he has the mans collar wrapped up in his hand, he smirks tiredly and says, "you're no fun ms. L/N."

I laugh and shake my head slightly, "hey, I'm the one who got attacked, I decide what happens to these assholes." I say smugly,

He tsk' and drops the man against the concrete before taking his phone out and calling the cops.

I look up at him as he's on the phone, blood splattered all over his face, his hands marked with blood as his chest rises up and down quickly. 'How in the holy fuck is he so hot like this?!...what the fuck Y/N you almost got kidnapped and you're thinking about how bad you wanna jump him?!' I think to myself.


The cops drive off with the low risk villains in handcuffs, I yawn and continue to walk away from the U.A building, yearning for my bed.

"Hey Y/N! Where are you going?" He asks with a stoic yet confused look on his face,

I continue walking, "home."

He sighs and runs up to walk next to me, "fine, I'm walking you home." He says sternly,

"Eraser you don't-" I start before he interrupts me,

"It's Shota to you Ms. L/N."

I scoff and continue walking, the silence continuing until we're barely five minutes away from my home.

I turn towards him, finally working up the courage to talk, "aren't you suppose to be on patrol Eraserhead?"

He chuckles slightly, "it's Shota and why are you walking home alone, I know you work at U.A but you can't be that oblivious. You're quirkless."

I huff and walk faster, "I'm not an idiot eraser, I can take care of myself."

He rolls his eyes and starts to catch up with me, "obviously not and it's Shota, Y/N."

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