The truth comes out eventually

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( C/N means child's name)

I'm pregnant, pregnant with Shota Aizawa's baby.

my first instinct is to run to him, tell him about the life growing inside of me. But he's trying to become a hero for a reason I can't take that away from him especially sense I love him so much; I mean we're barely eighteen for Christ sakes.

So, I'll run.

6 years later 

I walk down the dark city streets headed home to my beautiful baby girl, she looks more and more like Shota by the day. long raven hair, my (E/C) eye color and such a sleepy head. She's what keeps me going, keeps me from missing him so much because she's like a part of him. the best parts of him.

Zoned out in thought I'm knocked to the ground forcefully; I look up to the sight of a low-class villain.

"Well, what's a pretty thing like you doing' out so late." he snarls,

I try to stand up but he just knocks me down again this time harder then the last, I haven't used my quirk in ages so this'll be a challenge.

"what do you want?!" I yell,

"oh, well I wasn't expecting to run into such a... delicious sight so how" his voice becoming a malicious whisper,

Before I can respond a dark shadow swung across my vision and hits the creep, I stand up trying to steady myself upon my scratched knees.

"The cops have been looking for you for a while now, surprised you were able to hide for this long." a familiar voice state,

I look toward my savior seeing the raven-haired man that stole my heart so long ago, panic and curiosity setting into my voice,


his eyes settle on me for a moment before he speaks, "(Y/N)?"

our eyes widen simultaneously in shock before I'm running past him in a hurry, I can't do this! I'm not ready! what am I supposed to say?! oh hey I had your kid but have been hiding them from you for 6 years!

"w-wait! (Y/N)!"  Shota yells after me as he runs towards me, but I don't stop,

Before I can make it far his scarf is wrapped around my body and pulled to him, his gaze locking on mine. we stare at each other for a moment before he says,

"What happened? where have you been? where did you go?!" his voice slowly getting louder,

I gulp while contemplating what to say, "I-I..."

he should know, he's an adult now and successfully a hero. No longer a boy,

"I ran...because..."

"Because what?! tell me! please...kitten."

I've never heard him beg before, it makes my heart ache my nickname leaving his lips makes it even worse,

"Because I was...pregnant."

I look away from him, his scarf falling from my body. the silence becomes deafening.

After the seemingly long silence that only ever really lasted minutes I speak,

"Would you like to meet her?"

I move my eyes to him again seeing his face light up. "Her?"

I crack a smile and nod, "her."

I take his hand and start to walk home again,

he coughs slightly, "what's her name?"


he smiles but quickly tries to cover it up.

making it to my quaint apartment and opening the door to the quiet sounds of the TV. I signal Shota to be quiet as we walk in, we make it to the living room to see Taishiro and my daughter cuddling together on the couch. I giggle while carefully picking up (C/N), Shota's eyes never leaving the sight of her. He follows me too her room, laying her down on the bed I kiss her forehead while watching her sleep for a moment.

"she's...beautiful." he comments,

I smile, "she's my everything."

I turn around to find him way closer to me then I originally thought, his face barely inches from mine. the tension building to the brink is interrupted by Taishiro walking in with a yawn,

"Hey is everything..."

he sees Aizawa, sizing him up a little, "So, this him?" he questions,

I nod, "Don't start anything, he didn't know."

Taishiro shrugs, "Wasn't going to see you later sweets."

he kisses my cheek before leaving, Aizawa looks to me seemingly irritated, "Fat-gum knew? why didn't you tell me?!"


I push him out of the room, closing the door behind me. I pull him down to sit on the couch,

"We were teenagers, I didn't want to ruin the future you wanted." I say plainly,

he scoffs, "I love you; you know I would've done anything for you...and her."

"Exactly, I was a scared little girl back then, so I did what I thought was best. I didn't want you to resent me for taking your dreams from you."

"That was for me to decide! not you."

"Well how was I supposed to face possible heart break and having a kid?! I couldn't take you rejecting me let alone my baby."

"Our baby!" he yells,


he starts to speak again before hushing himself, "what are we supposed to do now?"

"I... don't know."

we turn our heads to look at each other, my eyes soften when I see the silent tears falling down his face. I bring my hand up to wipe them away,

"I'm sorry."

he cups my hand against his face, tilting his head into my touch like a cat which makes me laugh,

"Same old Aizawa."

he smirks, "I missed you kitty."

"I-I missed you too."

the gaze between us becomes intense quickly, his lips looking more delectable than ever. our faces begin to lean in closer to one another, expecting a gentle kiss but getting a ravenous one instead. All the hunger for each other's touch being suppressed for so long is finally being satisfied, he lifts me up onto his lap making me straddle him. 

"Mommy?" once the tiny voice is heard I quickly jump off Shota's lap and walk to my girl,

"Hey baby, what are you doing out of bed?" I crouch down to her height,

"I just missed you." I smile and bring her in for a hug,

"Well, I always miss you."

in my arms she points to Shota, "who's that?" She says sleepily,

my body goes rigid, "Ummm...that's..."

"I'm your dad, kid." he says bluntly,

I turn and scowl at him, he looks at me faking innocence.

(1086 words)

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