War Declaration

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Seeing him. Eren Jaeger after years of not seeing him. It was weird. But now that I knew he was in my dream eatting him, he was looking at my fearful.

Reiner sat down but Falco wanted to leave. But Eren just told him to stay. Reiner also told him as well.

"Eren...it's been possibly 10 years huh? But to be honest, you're scared of me." Faking my emotions with a gentle voice and a smile. Started to pull my sword out. "But unfortunately these events would happen. Plus I'll need that page..."

He has the page. I know it. I litteraly can see it...

"How did...why are you here?" Reiner shaking and hearing his voice was in fear. His actions he regreted.

Eren responded to him but I just covered my ears for a second. I started to get hungry again. The hunger kept on growing. Shaking, stop my stomach from shaking. I thrown my claymore sword away. Falling to my knees.

"Rey! Are you ok?" The child asked the touching my hand.

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME-" Grabbing his hand roughly. "I'm sorry but I don't want to hurt and eat anymore..." mumbling the last part.

Falco hissed while grabbing his hand. Calmer...is what my body is trying to do. I let go of his hand, curling into a ball. Breathing wasn't correct at all.

I'm losing myself...

I'm losing touch...

I want to give up...

Footsteps. Hearing footsteps. I started to stand up. Eren having the page in his hand, grabbing  it quickly in panic. Putting the page in my hand and away into my bag.

The hunger is getting too strong. Not hearing what they were saying...

"...sorry everybody..." Suddenly became what I hated the most. A spider eatting human flesh...

Then seeing bright light from Eren.

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