Let's Begin

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Number Five set his mouth in a grim line.

Hazel shared an empathetic smile. "You know what you have to do..."

"What I should've done from the beginning." Five sighed and gripped the briefcase.

"He might not be open to the possibilities. I mean, he's young and rather stubborn."

Five smiled. "I can handle him. I know where his head was. Anyway..." He put his hand out for a shake. "It's been nice knowing you."

Hazel took his hand. "You think..." He tilted his head sideways.

"I have no idea, but if this doesn't fix everything, nothing will."

Hazel blew out a breath. "Amen." He released Five's hand. "Kick his ass."

Five laughed and turned to the briefcase. The dials were set to October 1, 2019. He opened the bag.

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