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The day dragged on, like waiting for a dentist appointment. Every moment felt agonizing. Their father chastised Five for any indiscretion, and Five thought he behaved pretty well considering the ideas in his head.

He plotted his conversation with each sibling. Training and lectures meant nothing. He should pretend to buckle down and focus. Play the good boy for a few days until Dad stopped paying close attention to him.

Each moment his family ignored Vanya, or took Ben for granted, every time Luther and Diego snarled at each other, every time Klaus used drugs to squash his powers, they moved one step closer to the apocalypse. Five had to act sooner rather than later.

After lunch, Dad called him on the carpet again, while his siblings did laps except for Vanya who practiced her violin.

"Number Five," he said, not looking up from his notebook. "Explain why you are distracted today."

Five stood, legs apart, hands behind his back. "I guess I'm just glad to be home."

His father glanced up for half a second. "In a combat situation, your happiness is irrelevant."

"Yes, sir." Five tossed a little surliness into the two words.

Dad kept writing. Five glanced at the journal. Man, what he would give to read that thing. Too bad he hadn't found it in the rubble.

"Number Five, I will not have you compromise this team because you are enamored of a peanut butter sandwich."

How did Dad know he had three peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches for lunch? Mom kept offering, and he accepted every time. He had one in his pocket right now.

"I'd never compromise my brothers and sisters." Five's lips twitched, almost in a smile. He crafted the words purposefully. Using "brothers and sisters" instead of "team" and especially saying "sisters." Vanya was in whether or not his father wanted it.

A scowl marred Dad's face. "That is exactly what you did when you ran away."

Five raised his chin and changed his expression to something more contrite, furrowing his brow. "I know. I'm sorry. I won't ever try time-travel again." Not unless his future self gave him some tips. He didn't want to end up in the apocalypse again.

Not now or ever.

"You will focus on the task at hand and stop daydreaming. This afternoon you will read the physics text I left for you and solve the problems. I want it by 5 pm."

"Yes, sir." Five waited. Normally, once Dad gave a directive, Five popped out of the study and got to work. Today, he waited to be dismissed. The situation required more ass-kissing before he talked to the sibs.

Dad raised an eyebrow as if surprised Five was still there. "Go."

Five flashed out.

The Umbrella Academy: The EndWhere stories live. Discover now