Saving Klaus

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The next few days passed with little excitement. Dad was horribly cruel, tearing each kid apart for any small indiscretion. Each night, Five tried to sneak out and meet with one sibling or another, but their father stationed Grace in the hallway. Since the woman didn't sleep, she was the perfect sentinel. Of course, Five could go out the window, but he wanted his siblings, not just an escape route. If they had to go, they'd go together.

Was that his plan? To escape or to survive. His future self had been adamant they got over themselves and be a team. Did it mean leaving? Where the hell would seven superpowered thirteen-year-olds go, anyway?

Another training day and six of them were locked into doing stupid tasks to "train." It was akin to breaking rocks in the prison yard. Dad pulled Klaus out and spent time with him before dinner. Klaus looked a wreck at the meal. The stupid "no talking" rule stopped Five from finding out why.

Five attempted to catch his eye at dinner, but Klaus's gaze remained on the floor. Diego, on the other hand, fidgeted with one of his knives, his eyes dancing from Five's to Klaus's forlorn figure. Five's expression said they'd talk later.

Before Dad dismissed them, he stood and glared down. "You will return to your rooms and study the history lesson assigned. I want all analysis essays by 8 am."

Klaus glanced up, a sly smile on his face as if history essays sounded exciting. Half the time, Ben did his homework for him.

"Number Four." Dad's voice caused Klaus to jump, his eyes going wide. "You will report outside with me in ten minutes. Dismissed."

Five rose from his seat and stood waiting for their father to leave the room. It was supposed to be a sign of respect for them to wait, lined up in a row. One of them—Five, Klaus, Diego, even Ben—would pull a face or rude gesture as the man left. Allison or Luther always shot daggers at them. The kiss-asses.

Once Dad exited, and Grace began collecting the dirty dishes, Five caught Diego's eye. His brother deftly grabbed Klaus before he disappeared, and Five joined them.

Diego dragged Klaus out under the stairs, always a good spot for conspiring. Klaus half-heartedly fought against Diego's grasp, but big brother wouldn't release him.

"Come on, I've got ten minutes to find somewhere to hide."

Diego and Five blocked Klaus from running.

Ben came up behind them. "What's going on?" he asked, his voice a little shaky.

"Klaus was just about to tell us."

Klaus's eyes went wide, and his breathing became shallow. "I think... uh... I gotta go." He moved to escape, and Diego grabbed his jacket. Klaus stood taller, but Diego was all muscle, even at thirteen.

"What did he do?" Diego asked. They knew "he" meant Dad. Klaus had spent the afternoon with him and now was shitting his pants. "Spill."

"I think"—Klaus glanced around—"he's going to lock me in that mausoleum. He said something about a field trip today. Remember the one..." He looked to Ben whose shoulders fell.

"You didn't tell him about it, did you?" Ben's face was a mask of anguish. "Please tell me you didn't."

Klaus flapped his hands. "He's relentless. He kept pushing me all day about seeing ghosts and shit. He browbeat me until I said there aren't any here." His arms fell to his side, his eyes watery. "How am I supposed to stand up to him?" The whine in his voice hid the hurt.

Five read the book. He knew exactly what their father planned to do. Five had to stop it. He glanced at Diego who looked super pissed. Maybe he read that part, too.

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