Common Ground

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The next morning, Five stumbled down to breakfast. After finding out he wandered into the office (thanks so much, Pogo), Dad opted for a physical punishment—hours of calisthenics and laps until he dropped. Every muscle in his body ached, but he still spent half the night planning more coups against Dad. He was dead tired even after sleeping for four hours. Everyone else stood by the table, waiting for him.

"You're late, Number Five," Dad announced as if stating the obvious changed anything.

"I'd love some coffee," he replied with a grin, granting him a deep scowl from his father.

"No caffeine," he said with a stare that bore into Five's soul.

He shrugged his father off and sat, not caring if he was punished again. It was routine now. Dad's gaze drilled into him, but Five just stared back. He sat in his place next to Vanya and dug into his breakfast. Two weeks home and he still treated every meal like a feast.

Dad droned on about something. Five ignored him. What could the man do to punish him further at this point? Besides, he could flash out of any confinement in seconds. He knew it, and Dad knew it.

"Number Five!"

He finally lifted his gaze to meet his father's, noting Klaus's and Diego's on the way. Klaus looked unusually calm, and Diego sported an "I've got your back" kinda look.

"Go now."

"Go where?" Five asked, dumping as much sweetness and innocence into the statement.

"You are dismissed to your room until I call for you."

Five shrugged, grabbed his plate, and turned to go upstairs.

"Leave the food."

"Starvation, huh?" He narrowed his gaze at his father. "That's a new one. You do know I can..."

Reginald Hargreeves stood, his face a mask of fury.

Five replaced the plate with a roll of his eyes and walked away. He was getting to the old man. Hopefully, his brothers and sisters would follow his lead. If they did, they might save Ben's life and stop their sister from ending the world.

The Umbrella Academy: The EndWhere stories live. Discover now