The Morning After

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Five cracked his eyelids open and scanned the room. An unusual noise immediately put him in defense mode. Where was Dolores? The bright light of the space stung his sore eyes, and as usual, his stomach ached with hunger.


At the sound of another human voice, Five flashed from his sleeping spot and flashed behind the source.

Mom spun, her smile as bright as always. "Morning, sleepyhead," she continued as if Five hadn't materialized behind her.

He stared at her as the realization hit home. He was in his own room at the Academy in 2012. He watched Grace for a second, to be sure it wasn't another hallucination.

She cocked her head, her smile still wide. With a pat on Five's head, she exited his room. "Breakfast in ten minutes."

Five turned and watched her cross to Ben's room.




He leaned against the wardrobe. He was really home. He glanced around—his bed, his boring shelves, his blank walls. The room needed some spice, like a coffee pot.

Nine minutes later, dressed and washed, he stood in Diego's doorway. His brother took his time tying his shoes. Diego glanced at him once before returning to his task.

"Have a good night?" Five asked, examining his fingernails.

Diego stood and stretched. "Great night. Slept like a baby." He punched Five in the arm as he brushed past. "I'm starving. I hope Mom made eggs." He joined up with Ben and Klaus, and the three thundered down the stairs. Luther and Allison followed at a much more dignified pace.

Five stepped forward, and Vanya appeared. He smiled at her, happy to see his quiet sister, and glad she was still safe. He made a sweeping gesture at the stairs. "After you."

She smiled and blushed. "I'm glad your home." She squeezed his hand before dashing down.

Five laughed and flashed to meet her in a race to the kitchen.

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