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Five watched the last of his siblings exit through his window. The convenient fire escape outside served the family well over the years. Not to mention the irony of its being in Five's bedroom when he was the only one who didn't need it.

It'd been a cakewalk to organize the trip to Griddy's. Once Five convinced Luther, Allison was, of course, onboard. And Vanya merely needed an invitation. Her eyes lit up like stars. Diego simply told Klaus and Ben they had to go.

And that was it.

He closed his door and joined his family in the alley, opting to climb down. Flashes created the odd blue and silver light. Dad might not see it. The man slept sometimes.

The server side-eyed them as the seven filed into the biggest booth at Griddy's. Seven thirteen-year-olds at one am said something. They'd never been ratted out before. Hopefully, tonight would be no different. They ordered and waited until the server left.

"Okay, Five," Luther said. "Spill."

Right to the point, and kudos to Luther for turning the reins over quickly. Five glanced at his siblings in turn. Each looked wide-eyed, and a few were nervous. Diego lifted his chin. Allison crossed her arms and stared him down.

"Okay. I went to April 2019, and the world had ended."

"You mentioned that last time." Diego raised his eyebrows. "And?"

"And the Academy was in ruins. And everything else. Not another person anywhere. I searched the city for six months. But I never found anyone."

They all spoke at once.

"How did you get home?"

"What did you eat?"

"Did your powers stop working?"

"Where did you sleep?"

"What happened?"

"You must have been so lonely." The last one came from Vanya, and he sent a smile her way.

"I found a way to manage. It sucked, but I survived."

The server arrived and distributed donuts, hot chocolate, and soft drinks. She eyed them. "You kids have money?"

Five snorted and dropped ten twenties on the table. "Keep 'em coming." He grinned at her. She shook her head and walked away, muttering about kids today.

"Where'd you get that?" Klaus asked.

Five winked and pocketed the cash. "You and I should discuss money and other things, Klaus."

His brother twitched his lips and disappeared behind his mug. Yeah, they'd talk about the drugs and the money Klaus stashed for buying it. He'd not been blind when Klaus rolled a frickin' joint at the dinner table the night Five left.

"Whoa, wait." Luther put down his donut. "You were gone six months. You're fourteen?"

Five smiled. "Not something we need to worry about. Let's discuss the apocalypse."

Allison gave him another hard stare. "You think that's what you walked into? What caused it?"

"No clue. But..." He glanced around to ensure no one overheard them. "The Umbrella Academy didn't stop it."

"Well, obviously not," Diego said around a chocolate éclair. "You would've found us."

"What are you saying, Five?" Worry entered Ben's voice.

The Umbrella Academy: The EndWhere stories live. Discover now