The Sneaky Brother

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Five peeked out his bedroom door. When no one was in sight, he flashed to Diego's room a few feet away, avoiding the creaky floorboards. Slowly, he cracked the door open and glanced inside. He pulled his head back just in time. A metal dagger sank into the wood next to his face with a decided thunk.

Of course, Diego was awake and waiting for Five.

Five opened the door the rest of the way, giving his brother a sour look. He stepped inside and closed the door. "And if you gutted me, where would you get your answers?" he asked.

Diego said nothing. He hadn't moved an inch since Five entered the room. He crouched on his bed, a second knife ready to go.

Five crossed his arms. "At least you left a calling card, otherwise..."

"Sit on the bed that way whoever's on the stairs won't hear us." Diego's voice sounded low and growly, the stutter absent. He was pissed, pure and simple.

Five flashed to the bed and sat.

Diego jumped back when Five rematerialized, his hand up, the knife ready.

Five rolled his eyes.

They stared at each other for a beat.

Diego finally lowered the weapon and sat on his headboard. He licked his lips, no longer looking tough.

"I found these in your room," he said and tossed the book and envelope onto the bed between them.

Five lifted the envelope and examined it.

"I didn't open it. N...not after what I read in that" He pointed at it with the knife. "What the hell, Five?" He sounded so young, so vulnerable. So not Diego with his usual belligerence and bitterness.

Five sighed and scooped up the book. "I found it in the ruins of Argyle Library." He turned it over and ran a hand across the picture of a twenty-something Vanya. "This is our future if we want it to be."

Diego slid from his perch, closer to Five. "You think it's all true? I read a little. Man, Vanya was"—he screwed up his face—"is mad at us. She said a lotta rotten things. She's not usually mean. She's..."

Five finished for him, "Absent. Yeah, the book is her built-up frustration with us over the years. We hurt her pretty badly by leaving her out."

Diego's brow furrowed. "She doesn't have powers. So, how are we..." He shrugged as if he didn't know how to finish the question.

"We include her, even when it's training or whatever. Take her to Griddy's. Talk to her. She's a good listener."

Diego shrugged. "She listens to you. She was wrecked when you disappeared. No one could talk to her but Pogo. Dad ignored the whole thing. Like it didn't matter that you were gone." He stuck the knife into his mattress and stared at it for a beat. He pressed his lips and wrinkled his nose as if dismissing an emotion. "We went on like normal." Diego wouldn't meet his gaze.

"How much did you read?" Five asked. If Diego already knew everything Five planned to tell his siblings, it might be easier to convince them of their potential future. Honestly, of the six, Diego was the last person who should read the book. Vanya treated him brutally, but then again, Diego tended to be cruel to her.

Thanks to Vanya's story and a few months of reflection, Five finally understood his brother's point of view.

Diego had a huge chip on his shoulder. Being called "Number Two" was demeaning and put him in opposition with Luther all the time. No wonder the kid was moody and hostile.

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