Who's next?

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The next afternoon, when he should have been scrubbing the kitchen floor as punishment, Five hunted down his brothers. He wanted to check on Klaus and to move his plan forward. He checked Ben's room, then Diego's. Neither boy was there.

He needed to talk to Diego about a plan for their other siblings. Who knew when their father would release the other boys from PT.

A note then.

He grabbed some paper and a pen from Diego's bookshelf, and something caught his attention.

The bookshelf spilled over with tons of titles. Five bent to examine them. Most were adventure stories but not all. Peter Pan sat next to Treasure Island and Call of the Wild. The Secret Garden looked very thumbed through.


It never dawned on him Diego enjoyed reading. It was more Ben's thing.

The door burst open as Five flipped through The Outsiders. The book was ripped from his hands, but not before Five noted some highlighted passages. Diego stood, book in hand, glaring.

"What the hell?" he asked in a gruff voice. Normally, the siblings were very conscious of each other's personal space. But times were changing. In the past, Five never would've taken one of Diego's books. But now he wanted to read it. Then they could talk about something other than fighting and powers.

"Sorry. I never realized how many good books you have." Five waved at the bookcase and tried to look contrite.

Diego stared at the paperback and placed it on top of the shelf. "Yeah, well... you don't have a single book in your room."

"Maybe you'd let me borrow one."

Diego put a hand over The Outsiders. "Not this one."

Five nodded. "So, look, anyway. How's Klaus? Did you talk to him? I've locked away downstairs on Kitchen Duty." He made a disparaging noise when he said "locked away."

"Why didn't you blink into his room and ask? Why are you bothering me?" Diego crossed his arms and widened his stance, ready for a fight. His brother enjoyed being right.

Five ignored it, chuckling. "If you'd been in the crypt last night, you would not suddenly drop in on him today. How is he?"

Diego shrugged, his hands dropping to his sides. "Okay, a little shook. I can't imagine how he'd be if someone hadn't been there for him." He leaned in toward Five. "Was it in the book?"

"Kinda. Vanya said something about Klaus's substance abuse and how it started young. She speculated about the trips to the cemetery. I don't think she was wrong."

Diego nodded. "Well, we'll have to join in on any other field trips."

Five agreed.

"What's next?"

"Who's next," Five correct. "Vanya. We have to stop isolating her. Find a way to include her."

Rapid-fire knocking sounded at the door. Diego opened it, and Klaus and Ben spilled in.

"What's up, bitches?" Klaus asked, spinning into the room and crashing on the bed.

Diego checked the hall. All the other doors were closed. He shut his and stood in front of it.

"Tell them, Klaus," Ben said

"You're such a pain," Klaus answered. "Okay, so I like... I had nightmares about the cemetery. Not that bad. I think..." His gaze darted to each of his brothers. "I think I need to practice without Dad torturing me. If I can show him I can control my power, he'll fuck off."

"Good plan," Five said. "Add that to the agenda."

Diego smirked but said nothing.

"What else is on the agenda?" Ben asked.

Diego and Five exchanged a look. Five answered quickly before Diego hinted at Ben's fate.

"Vanya. I was just saying to Diego, we include her."

Klaus threw an arm over his eyes. "Dad won't let us take her on missions or anything."

"No," Five said, "But she could go with you when you practice. Or go with us to Griddy's or..." Five tapped the bookcase. "Share a book with her." He looked at Ben, but he meant Diego.

Ben grinned. "We could start a band. Vanya is getting good on the violin, and I've thought about the clarinet or sax."

"That's a great idea." Diego's eyes lit up. "I call guitar."

"There's an old piano in the attic," Five offered. He had eyed it with longing many times, but their father touted hobbies were too distracting. "Allison and Luther could round us out with some other instruments or singing."

Klaus scoffed. "They'll never agree to it. Those two are always off doing their own thing."

Five considered. "Luther has a thousand records in his room." He glanced at Diego's bookcase. "He must like music at some level."

The brothers agreed.

"Okay," Five said, figuring his time was short. Dad has been checking in on him at random intervals throughout the day. "We practice with Klaus. We hang out with Vanya."

"There's something you're not telling us, Five," Ben said, his head bowed.

"I told you. Apocalypse. No you, no Vanya, and everyone else dead. We all want to prevent that."

Ben looked a little pale. Maybe he read between the lines. The boy was smart. Not as smart as Five but no fool. He sensed the tension.

Diego shifted against the door. "At some point, we include the other three. Luther will never choose us over Dad."

Five set his mouth. "I told you, I'll handle Luther. We'll work on him another day. Tonight, we keep an eye on Klaus."

"Thank you!" Klaus's sarcasm mixed with relief until Five wasn't sure what his brother was saying.

"And be nice to Vanya."

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