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Five stood at the front entrance to the Umbrella Academy, never so happy to see the building in his life. The work ahead of him loomed ominously. He believed his older self, mostly.

With Vanya's book and the envelope tucked in his school jacket, he mounted the steps. His older self left immediately, mumbling about paradox psychosis. Five dismissed the comments. For some reason, he felt less itchy with the guy gone. He opened the doors of the Umbrella Academy and walked inside.

It was like a dream. He should pinch himself.

The entrance hall stood deserted and silent as the grave. Part of him wanted to flash to his room and sleep in his own bed for a week.

But family first.

"Hello?" he called. No answer. Maybe it didn't work. Maybe he wasn't back in 2002. It could be March 31, 2019. He swallowed hard and tried again. "Anyone home?"

Footsteps thundered on the stairs. Klaus's head peeked over the railing. "Holy. Fucking. Shit!" He jumped over the railing and slammed onto the hall floor. The landing looked painful. But Klaus bounced up and came at Five like a freight train.

For a second Five considered flashing out of the way but opted not to.

Klaus grabbed him in a bear hug. "Holy shit, man," he said into Five's ear. After a millisecond, he increased his volume by several hundred decibels. "He's home!"

Five tried to move away, but Klaus held him in a death grip. It didn't seem right to flash away.

More footsteps sounded on the stairs and from other rooms. Klaus spun Five around as more bodies crashed into them. He heard Ben and Vanya, then Diego and Allison. And finally Luther.

"What the...?" Luther started. "Oh, my..."

Five couldn't see him over the tops of his other siblings, but another crushing grip formed around them. The entire crowd rose into the air. Many screams and squeals followed. And laughter.

Music to Five's ears.

Luther dropped them, and they spilled apart, a few falling to the floor. Five kept his feet, only because Vanya stood with him, her arms around him, her head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, remembering the book. Tears burned in his eyes.

"What is the meaning of this?" Everyone quieted immediately, and most stood at attention at the sound of their father's voice. Klaus didn't. Neither did Five.

Reginald Hargreeves stalked into the room. His hawk-like nose leading the way. He squinted around his ever-present monocle.

"You are back, Number Five," he said, his chin high, no emotion in his voice. "Did you learn your lesson?" He lowered his gaze on Five. Normally, that tone would have Five shaking in his shoes. Not anymore. He'd seen the apocalypse, met his older self, and known he survived his father.

"Yes, sir," he said flatly.

Dad scowled at him. "Clean up and come to my office." He spun on his heel and left the room.

The seven of them stood in silence.

Five chuckled. "Come on," he said and dashed up the stairs.

The Umbrella Academy: The EndWhere stories live. Discover now