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Word Count : 1751

Chapter 29: Mercy

“Did you do this to him?” I yelled. I look to see my dad with a cast on his right arm along with one on his left leg. His face was bruised like he got into an AMA fight. “I swear I didn't,” Andrea says with tears in her eyes. “Just like you said you didn’t hit my mom” I clenched my fists. I watch her lower her head in disappointment. This sick bastard couldn’t even look me in the eye. “Just get out,” I said sternly. “But he’s my husband and I love him,” she cries. “He’s not your husband,” I yelled. “Please just have mercy on me” she begged. I watched her get on her knees and begin begging. I couldn’t help but laugh. When her stupid daughter bullied me years after years. Did she have mercy on me? No. When she constantly turned my father against me. Did she have mercy on me? No. When she left my mom in her car to die after she hit her. Did she have mercy? No. After her and her daughter made my life a living hell. Did she have mercy? No. “I’m going to tell you this one time and one time only never come back here again or I swear to my grave I will have you locked up” I told her. “But I’m sorry” she pleads. She began walking towards me but before she could get any closer Brad put his arm out to block her from getting too close. “I think it’s best if you leave Andrea” he said nicely which sort of ticked me off a bit but I ignored it. We both watch her walk to the door holding on to the knob. “I’m really sorry” she said with a tear rolling down her face. “I don’t need your pity just get out” I rolled my eyes. 

After she left I walked over to my dad who was now holding on to his last breath. Fighting for his life like my mom. I traced my hand over his face gently. He looked pale and dried out. I know in my heart that this is my fault. Why couldn’t I protect the people I love. Why couldn’t I shield them from the pain. “Don’t worry he’s going to be okay” Brad said placing his hand on my back. Is he going to be okay? He looked like my mom except he was dying in front of my eyes. “Hopefully when he wakes up I’m going to go see my mom” I said tracing my hands on my dad's cast. “He is going to wake up and we are going to see your mom” he said, lifting my chin gently so I can look at him. “That’s nice of you but I think-” I try to say before he interrupts me. “We are going to go see your mom, no questions asked” He said then placing a kiss on my head.

“Ari” I turned my head to see my dad slowly opening his eyes. I quickly jumped into his arms forgetting he was injured. “Ari it hurts” He said causing me to get off of him. “Sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you” I said trying to hold back the tears. Both of my parents were now in the hospital due to my mess. I know what you're thinking it’s not my fault but sure damn well feels like it.  “I’m sorry, where is my manners? Who are you son?” my dad says looking past me. I had completely forgotten Brad was behind me. “My name is Brad Mr.Butera” Brad stepped closer to the hospital bed. “Oh I know you. You're in Tris band , sorry I forgot you look older than I remember” my dad says. “It’s fine no worries plus I was only 17 back then anyway” he smiles. “Thanks for coming with my daughter to see me. I know she can be a little handful sometimes” my dad laughs. “Dad I’m not a handful” I playfully rolled my eyes. “Sure you aren’t” my dad said. “You have no idea sir” he laughs. “Call me Edward,” my dad says. “Are you sure?” he says trying to hide his smile. I don’t really see why he’s smiling but it’s none of my business. “Yes plus you're my daughter’s boyfriend so why not” he laughs. What did he just say? “Um sir.... I mean Edward we-” Brad begins but my dad instantly cuts him off. “Don’t worry when I’m out of here we will have the talk” my dad joked. “Ok sir I mean Edward” he smiled.

After me and Brad spent some time with my dad in the hospital. The doctor told us that visiting hours were over. I didn’t want to go because I finally got to bond with my dad without those evil devils trying to possess him. Also I kinda like seeing him and Brad bond. I don’t know why but it gave me this warm feeling inside. The two of them really love Arctic Monkeys so that was mostly what they talked about except the parts where my dad was telling Brad embarrassing things about me when I was a kid. “It was nice to see you dad but visiting hours are over and I want to get enough sleep for tomorrow” I told him. I think placed a gentle kiss on his head. “Well kid it was lovely to chat with the both of you and before you go can you sign my cast?” He smiled. I took the sharpie marker off a clipboard and signed my initials. I then handed the marker to Brad. I watched him sign his initials next to mine and circle around both of our names with a heart. “It was nice seeing you again Edward” Brad said, shaking my dad’s other hand. “It was lovely seeing you again Brad take care of my daughter or your girlfriend as I should say” He smirked. “Oh I forgot to tell you me and Brad are-” I try to say before Brad interrupts me. “Of course I’ll take care of her. She is my girlfriend after all” He said then kissing me on the cheek. He then grabbed my hand and together we waved goodbye together.

“What was that all about?” I said as we walked to the car. “You know exactly what that was about,” He laughed. “If I did I wouldn’t have asked you” I rolled my eyes. “Race you” He said, taking off. Together we raced each other to the car but I was surprised. “You cheated,” he said trying to catch his breath. “Yes because I was the one who ran off first and said race you” I rolled my eyes, making him laugh. “You got a point. I was cheated out of the race” he said. “Sure you were” I laughed. 

We both hoped in the car unsure of where to go next. “I think we should go see your mom” Brad said as we both buckled our seat belts. “Visiting hours are over” I turned to face him. “I’m talking about tomorrow,” He said, turning to look me in the eyes. “Not that I want to but why do you want to?” I asked. “Because seeing you this happy talking to your dad made me think about how happy you would be if you were talking to your mom” He said. “I really love the night time version of you” I said ruffling his hair. “Is that a yes or…” he dragged his sentence. “Don’t you have practice tomorrow?” I asked. “No” he answered quickly. “What about Tristan?” I asked. “What about him?” he tilted his head in confusion. “I mean he’s probably worried about where we are,” I said. “Actually he’s going to be with Sarah and Sarah's parents since we have the weekend off so it’s just you and me. Any more questions” He laughed. “No but I’m a little hungry and tired” I rubbed my eyes. “I’ll make you a deal and it involves food” He said. “I’m listening,” I said. “I’ll buy you as much food as you want if we go see your mom” He said. “What food are we talking about?” I asked. “Anything you want babe” He smirked. “Watch yourself” I laughed. “Isn’t that my job” he laughed. “Sorry my bad baby” I mimic him except this time he didn’t laugh. He blushed but he tried to hide it in his shirt. “Okay let’s go see my mom” I said. 

After we both arrive outside Chick fil a Brad quickly unbuckle his seat belt. “I’m going to go get the food,” He said, opening the door. “Can I-” I try to say but he interrupts me. “Just stay right here and look hot for me when I come back” He smirked. He then kissed me on the cheek and rushed out the car before I could get another word in. This boy is something else. I’m really starting to fall in love with this night time version of him. I don’t know why but I feel something here but I don’t know what it is. I looked down to see his phone was buzzing. Of course he left his phone. His phone started to ring. Should I answer it? Maybe I shouldn’t cause it’s not my phone. But what if it’s important? 

I grabbed his phone and answered it. “Hello” I spoke into the phone. “Who is this” a voice said on the phone. Not just any voice, a female voice. “My name is Ariana, who are you?” I said into the phone. “I’m Chloe um are you a friend of Brad’s” she asked. “Yes” I sort of lied. I don’t really know where we stand. “Well um why do you have his phone?” she asked. “He went into Mcdonalds to get me food and left his phone. Do you want me to tell him something for you?” I asked. “Yes can you tell him when he’s ready to move in he can” she said then hung up. Move in? What the hell did she mean by move in?

This is the end of chapter 29. Thank you so much for reading and patience with me for updating. I'm currently writing chapter 30 right now so it should be up tomorrow or Saturday. Leave a like(click star) and comment if you want. Thank you so much for the support.

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