i miss you im sorry

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"Well Goodmorning Dr.Grey" Addison smirks as she slides past Meredith in the hall.
"What was that all about?" Christina chimes in.
"What was what about?"
"Dont act dumb now Mer I see that smirk and the way she looked at you."
"Just being Friendly i guess" Meredith shrugs Christinas question off but can't help but notice the fact that Derek has been looking at her sense he walked over to that counter.
Oh shoot he is coming over here. She thought as Derek approached.
"hey" Meredith shifted as she seen Addison make her way to the counter where Derek was.
"How are you" Derek speaks his voice soft and caring.
i missed that. derek always was soft and caring around me.
"good" Dereked whispered as he slowly walks off.
Looking up my eyes meet with no other than Addisons.
We kissed and i felt like i was home. it was such a familar feeling. i use to think it was sonething we would do everyday for the rest of our lifes until it wasnt. Meredith thought as she was lost in her haze.
"what was that all about?" Addison says as she approaches swiftly.
"Nothing just small talk"
"Small talk? Sense when has Meredith Grey engaged in small talk"
"She doesn't" Christina chimes in
"CHRISTINA!" Meredith says loudly her face burning red. The hall falls silent as Bailey enters.
"Karev pit, Izzie Altman, Omalley clinic, Christina your with me, Meredith.."
"I could use Meredith today" Derek says appearing next to Bailey.
"Actually I have my last surgery on my patient today I could use an intern." Addison says stepping forward.
"Grey go with Montgomery then find Shepard after and see if he has anything."
Why would Derek request me like im his property or something. Meredith thought.
"Dr grey may I speak with you" Derek says opening the door to the stairwell. Meredith follows as Addison raises a brow as she watches him follow behind her.
"Meredith" Derek says softly
"I didn't mean. i'm sorry. Your worth fighting for and I was stupid for letting you go." Meredith takes a few steps back from Derek.
"Your right you were"
"Meredith I love you."
"I can't."
"Is it because your still in love with Addison?"
"This has nothing to do with Addison Derek you hurt me." The door slowly opens and a comforting face appears.
"Mer we have to go" Addison speaks stepping back holding the door.
"Hey I will be right there I just need a second." Before Addison had the chance to speak Meredith made her way a few doors down into a utlity closest.
Addison follows behind slowly cracking the door. She sees Meredith on the ground crying.
"Meredith" Addison invites herself in shutting the door behind her taking a seat on the ground right beside Meredith.
"Breathe. shhhh" She says softly as Meredith struggles to catch her breath.
"just breathe" Addison takes Merediths hand as she lays her head softly on Addisons shoulder.
"shhh your okay. whats wrong my love" As Meredith starts to catch her breath she sits up.
"Derek- he said.. de-" Addison pulls her close as Meredith places her head on Addisons chest.
"Shhhh what about Derek what happened."
"He-said Derek said he loved me." Addison takes a deep breathe as she holds the woman she loves.
"I think he wants to be with me Addi"
"What else did he say mer"
"He asked if i couldnt be with him because im in love with you" Addison is shocked and takes a moment to find the right words to say.
"Do you love Derek"
"I love him Addi but i can never be in love with him"
"you cant?" Meredith sits up her eyes locked on Addison.
"He isn't you."

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