begin again

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     "How's it going in here" Richard asked politely as he invites himself into the surgery.
"Good she is doing good should make a fast recovery." Addison speaks never losing focus on her patient as Meredith stands silently across from her.
"Have you given any more thought to my offer?" Richard questions as he takes a place next to Meredith.
"Offer?" Meredith questions out of curiousity.
"Well yeah! I offered Addison her own attending position with funding right here at Seattle Grace." Richard says cheerfully.
Addison didnt mention wanting to stay. Does she. Meredith poundered on the thought of seeing Addison everyday.
"Richard you know I have my practice back in New York" Addison says looking up as if she is trying to read Meredith.
"With you Addi we will be the number one hospital in Seattle. Give me four weeks? Give it a shot here thats all im asking. Meredith do you agree?" Richard looks to Meredith as if he is wanting back up on his plan.
"Dr. Montgomery is a great surgeon." Meredith says quickly never taking her eyes off the patient.
"Think on it and come find me after you finish up here" Richard says as he makes his way out into the hall. Dr montgomery is a great surgeon. Really meredith what even was that. Meredith mocks herself in her head as the surgery continues on.

After surgery

    Meredith hurries to finish cleaning herself up before Addison comes into the sinks.
"Meredith" Addison comes in leaning gently against the door.
"Dr Montgomery." Meredith speaks never taking her eyes off her hands.
"Dr Montgomery? Come on Meredith."
"It is your name is it not." Meredith snaps back as she grabs paper towels.
"What happened? Did I do something."
"Did you do something? You kissed me in the bar, you drove me home. You stayed for movies then tucked me in my bed. You then let yourself out. You hold me like its normal and look out for me like its your job and I - I cant escape you." Meredith says loudly as she leans into the sink behind her. Addison takes a deep breathe before stepping in Merediths direction.
"Do you want too? Escape me i mean."
"Addison I- no."
"The thought of me drives you crazy? Meredith grins as Addison takes her hand into her own.
"How'd you know!" Meredith mocks
"It seems I am having the same problem." The door open quickly and Derek rushes in. 
"Interupting something am I" He speaks making his way around the pair to a sink.
"Meredith if you two dont have couples therapy or something planned you can scrub in. A good friend of mine landed a few hours ago she will be helping me on this case as well." Derek continues at the sink when the door opens.
"Derek!" A woman speaks her voice joyful.
"Eliza about time you made it to Seattle." Derek hugs the woman.
"Amelia told me you were a big boy surgeon down here now i just had to see it for myself." The woman alongside Derek turns towards Meredith and Addison.
"Eliza" Addison says her voice shaky as she still grips onto Merediths hand.
"Well if it isn't Addison Montgomery." Eliza shifts her attention over to Meredith.
"Meredith? Meredith Grey? You look so different now. Im glad to see you still decided to become a surgeon following Ellis's legacy." Meredith tenses as she feels Addisons grip tighten. Eliza notices the two hands intertwined.
"Addi im suprised she took you back i guess congradulations are in order." Addison letting go of Merediths hand quickly makes her way out of the room. Meredith wants to follow but instead turns towards Eliza.
" And who are you. You think your some big shot surgeon because you finally got off your ass and passed your boards. Oh or did daddys money get you where you are-"
"'Meredith, Meredith" Derek interupts grabbing Merediths wrist.
"If you ever speak to her agian and i mean one word I will personal kick your ass." Meredith snaps and exits quickly.

      Meredith makes her way down the halls looking into every room possible for Addison until she reached the last on call room.
      "Addison" Meredith calls out into the darkness.
"Addison, if you don't say something I will have to go tell Richard his favorite baby saving red head from NewYork has gone missing." Meredith gives it a minute until finally she heard shuffling in the corner of the room. Addison emerges pulling Meredith into the room closing the door. As the lights come on Meredith gets a better look at Addison with her tear stained cheeks and the mascara that has run down her face.
"How can she be here." Addison says as she slides herself down the wall to the ground. Meredith follows beside her.
"Shes not going to mess with you i took care of it"
"Meredith what did you do!" Addison says in a panic
"Nothing nothing i just made it clear she better not come in your direction nor say one word to you ever again." Addison sighs laying her head down softly on Merediths lap.
"Meredith.. What is this? Addison says looking up to Meredith.
"This is two girls sitting in a nasty floor in an on call room looking like a mess." Addison giggles as Meredith grins looking down at the red head.
"can we start over" Addison sits up not knowing where her question will lead. Meredith takes a breathe.
"Hi i'm Meredith grey." Meredith smiles taking Addisons hand.
"Addison Montgomery nice to meet you." The pair laugh as they enjoy each others company.

• Alarms start to ring throughout the hospital •

"Code Silver I repeat Code Silver"

     "What is that" Meredith says worried as Addison stands up quickly locking the door.
"Meredith" Addison says paying close attention to the sounds outside of the door.
"Mommy. Where is my mommy" A kid cries out.
"Thats Alania in room 221 I know that voice." Meredith says standing up heading for the door.
"Meredith you cant go out there" Addison says stepping in front of the door.
"Its code silver Mer. Active shooter"
"Addison.." Meredith grabs the door knob slightly pushing Addison out of the way. Making her way a few doors down to room 221.
"Addison her bandage she just needs a new bandage." Meredith says grabbing supplies.
Addison rushes to help.

• Gun shots •

     "what was that! i want my mom!" The little girl screams.
"Shhh shhh listen we have to be super super quiet and then we can get you to your mom soon okay."
Meredith speaks in a calming manner, Addisons eyes shoot up as a woman appears with her right hand glutched onto a gun.
"Hunt Dr Hunt Where is he" The woman says stepping into the room. Addison stands from where she is crutched down next to the kid.
"Dr hunt he is in the E.R usually all the way down the hall take the elevator to the first floor then take the first left through the double doors try there." Addison says her voice shaky in fear.
"show me" The woman speaks once more.
"I'll go! I will show you." Meredith says standing up from the child taking a few steps towards the woman.
"Meredith Meredith no." Addison says as Meredith vanishes from the doorway the woman following closely behind her

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