forever and always

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     "Run" The woman speaks to Meredith as they approch the e.r doors. Meredith hesitates and does as the woman says. Meredith makes her way up the flight of stairs until reaching an unlocked door.

O.R 1

     Meredith enters O.R one unaware if anyone was present in the room.
"Meredith?" Derek says standing quickly bringing her to where he and Eliza sit in a dark corner.
"What are you doing theres a gun man Mer" Derek says as the pair sit.
"Woman. Its a woman. Robertson i believe. Her kid came in after a car crash and Owen couldnt save him." Meredith begins to cry as Derek takes her hand into his own.
"I left her in a room on the northside all alone with a nine year old." Meredith says through her whipers.
"You left the shooter with a nine year old?" Derek questions in worry,
"Addison she left Addison" Eliza speaks crawling over to the other side of Meredith.
"Miss Robertson came in asking for Own Addison tried givibg her directions to what she thought was the e.r but it was to the main entrance i thought it would actually work." Meredith stops as tears roll down her face.
"Meredith what happened" Eliza takes Merediths other hand into her own.
"Show me. She said show me. I couldnt let Addison go. So I lead her." Meredith breaks down leaning her head down onto Dereks shoulder.
"Shhh shhh its okay its all going to be okay." Derek says as the three sit hand in hand.

* outside the hospital *

"Where is she!? Has anyone seen Dr.Grey" Addison questions as she frantically looks for Meredith.
"Addison Addison calm down we will find her" Richard says wrapping his arm around Addisons shoulder.
"She went with the shooter Richard. She came in and asked to find Hunt Meredith took her to the E.R."
Addison says her eyes filled with panic.!
"DOES ANYONE HAVE EYES ON MEREDITH GREY OR OWEN HUNT" Richard screams going over to authoritys.
"I GOT HER RICHARD I got her!" Derek and Eliza emerge hand in hand with Meredith.  Addison takes off wrapping her arms around Meredith holding her tightly.

Days later

"Whats this meeting about anyway. Its not like anyone is going to forget what happened" Christina says as she approaches Meredith.
"Have you seen Addison?" Meredith says as her eyes search the crowd of people.
"No? Didnt she go back to NewYork" Meredith freezes in her tracks at the thought.
"Alright everyone I called you all here to say I know it has been a rough few days but we are going to make it through this. Together. If you need anything today I will be making my way around the hospital to keep a check on each and every one of you. Thank you for being here today." Richard speaks from the top of the staircase. The crowd of people start to wonder off to their destinations.
"Whats the big deal anyway? Have you two not been together." Christina questions
"No she drove me home the other day she was acting weird and I havent seen her sense."Meredith speaks and the pair walk together joining the group of interns.
"Stevens Clinic, Omalley Hunt, Christina Shepard, Grey pit, Karev Montgomery. Well what are we waiting for get to moving people!" Bailey orders.
"You put me on Vagina squad" Karev snaps.
"Yes i put you on Vagina squad Karev and if you want to complain go to someone who cares." Bailey says as the click of heels grows louder.
"Vagina squad?" Addison asks curiously as she approaches.
"Karev seems to have a problem with your service feel free to get his hands dirty." Bailey says turning away
"Oh I will!" Addison says with a grin staring at the group of interns. Christina and Izzie wonder off down the hall as Meredith leans into the counter. Her mouth dry and everything seeming a bit blurry.
"Dr. Grey dont have nothing better to do than twiddling your thumbs" Addison says as she notices the now pale Meredith against the counter. Derek appears watching from a distance as Meredith takes off around the counter now visibly sick in the trash can. Standing back up feeling faint she makes her way back around the counter slightly wobbly.
"meredith" Derek approaches. Stumbling slightly Meredith attempts to make her way to the nearest chair quickly falling.
"Meredith Mer" Derek says catching her as she falls.
"karev a little help over here" Alex rushes to help as Addison stands her spot in the corner. The Pair picks Meredith up carrying her to a room .

Addison point of view

Meredith just fainted. When I dropped her off a few days ago she was fine. Just a few days ago she was fine. Maybe I should had called. maybe.

Later that day

"My intern it's always one of mine" Bailey says entering the room Merediths chart in hand.
"Well is she dying" Christina jokes from across the room.
"Yeah am i dying" Meredith follows.
"No! Your not- Appendicitis you have Appendicitis"
"Apendicitis thats it! Not even something interesting" Christina jokes making her way towards the door.
"What where are you going"
"Mer your not dying remember i will be back" Christina says exiting the room.
" In that case can i have drugs " Meredith asks as bailey laughs.

* Bailey exits the room leaving Meredith to be *

       Addison makes her way down the hall unaware of Merediths room coming up.
"Montgomery!" Meredith belts from her bed.
"Addison Montgomery!" With hesitation Addison backs entering the room where Meredith lays. Addison quickly grabs the chart.
"You yelled Grey?" Addison says her eyes never leaving the chart.
"Addison i thought you left. Well you left me anyway." Addisons eyes shout up as she closes the chart.
"You probably won't remember this but i'm going to say it anyway. We rekindled and shared a kiss that's all it was. You should be with Derek. "
Addison squeezes Merediths hand before heading to the door.
"I love you" Meredith stutters from her place in her bed. Addison freezes turning back towards the bed.
"Good luck in surgery kid" With that Addison exits the room. Unable to hold herself together she heads into the nearest on call room.
"Sorry sorry" Addison says as she enters the room seeing Alex.
"Hey are you okay" Alex stands grabbing ahold of Addisons wrist.
"I know i seem like a complete ass that doesn't care about anyone but talk to me what's wrong." Alex says leading Addison to the bed to sit.
"Hm nothing just ex's i guess they just get in your head and it's like-"
"you cant escape them" Alex interupts. Addison nods her eyes never breaking away from Alex's. Alex leans forward and before Addison could think there she sat passionately making out with Alex Karev.

To be continued...

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