the loudest silence

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Merediths Pov :

Today is my first day back at work I haven't seen Addison since the day she left me standing alone in the hall of my home with Derek. Just when I thought my world was crashing down my cell rings

"Meredith hey this is ronda down at r&r senior living I needed to speak with you about your mother"
"Can you make it fast im kind of in a hurry"
"Meredith you really should come visit her she is declining quiet fast.."
"Are you saying it is time for goodbyes"
"I am saying you should see her before the inevitable happens Meredith" My heart stops why now why in this moment does the woman who ruined my life get to come in and wreck it again. Without hesitation I end the call and begin making my way to the hospital.

"Meredith Welcome back!" Richard says as I walk into the lounge. Quickly he makes his coffee making his way out for rounds. Making myself a tea I sit down grabbing one of my journals from my bag.
The click of hills grow loud as my heart begins to flutter. Maybe Ronda was right I can't keep ignorning the inevitable. Glancing up from my journal I see Addison holding her cup of coffee scanning the empty room, she makes her way to my table taking the chair across from mine.
"I should say something I mean should i" Replaying the other day I sink down into my chair.
"If you are going to pick someone Mer choose him" Addison speaks not moving her eyes from her chart.

•911 E.R all available interns and attendings•
Addison and I get a page with a glance we both head off towards the e.r.
"Meredith Addison we have an accident on a cruise ship we need all hands. Bailey stay run everything Grey and Karev you are going to be heading out with Montgomery and Hunt. Move people"

Addisons Pov :
Arriving to the scene everyone scatters frantically in search to help anyone that needed the day past by as more and more people were pronounced dead as others were quickly transported with life changing injuries.
"Ma'am! MA'AM! Are you a doctor" A woman stumbles up frantically.
"I- yes I am yes are you hurt"
"No not me come with me. Another doctor was trying to save my daughter and some clutter fell on her we tried getting her out but-" The lady leads me quickly over to the fallen debris.
"Oh my god. Meredith."
"You know her! We tried to help."
"HELP GO GET HELP!" Screaming I make my way over to Meredith as close as I could. Her pulse is threating but she is breathing she's alive.
"Montgomery what do we have?" Looking back I see Hunt and Sloan coming my direction everything falls silent.
"Montgomery what do we have" Sloan repeats
"32 year old unconcious female pulse threating"
"Montgomery how do you -" Hunt freezes as he makes his way down to me.
"Sloan its Grey" Helplessly I fall back as rescue teams work quickly pulling Meredith from where she laid. Do something I have to do something. Making my way over taking over cpr we get into the ambulance.
"Addison maybe we should-"
"Stop MOVE THE AMBULANCE GO" Come on Mer wake up come on.

~Grey Sloan~

"What do we have? Addison?" Bailey swings open the doors.
"32 Year old female abdominal wound pulse threating found unconscious on the scene pupils non responsive" I watch as Bailey take Meredith and vanish into the O.R
"I was paged?" Derek says walking up throwing on his jacket
"Addison what is it who paged me?"
"I did it's Meredith go"
"Meredith?" Derek stutters
"Wait! Derek please save her if you do anything in your life let this one thing be that you saved her." Derek nodds making his way in.

to be continued..

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