July 1997

196 6 0

"Don't. Don't fight me on this." Draco said sternly and Lucy dropped her gaze to the floor.

"I don't want to leave you." She said sincerely, hearing her voice breaking at the end.

Draco sighed and within a second he pulled her into him, holding her tightly. "I promise it won't be for long." He said, gently placing a kiss on the top of her head. She wrapped her arms around his waist, holding him tightly until he had to peel her off him. "Come on." He said more softly, leaning down to pick up the bag from the floor.

He handed it to her and stepped backward, giving her space. Lucy thought for a moment, picturing the Parcivall manor before she disapparated from Draco's bedroom.

She landed in the foyer of the Parcivall manor, taking in its sights and smells.

"Lucy?" Alissa called out, coming from the kitchen.

"Hi." She said softly. The past few weeks they had managed to talk normally again, and Lucy and she were no longer angry with each other, though Lucy was still slightly disappointed.

"I didn't know you were coming, why didn't anyone say anything?" Alissa said, giving her a smile and a hug.

"Draco, it was last minute." Was all she said, giving her mother a worried look.

"It's okay darling," Alissa replied, stroking her cheek with her hand, "he's doing it for all the right reasons, remember that." Alissa added, reassuring Lucy. "Besides, we couldn't clear your room out without you." Alissa stifled a laugh.

"Yes, I suppose you're right." Lucy responded.

"Tell me," Alissa said, taking the bag from her daughter, "how's the west wing coming along?" she asked excited.

"Slowly." Lucy answered. "I didn't think I'd mind living in Draco's room, but after you started bringing my stuff over it became apparent quite quickly that we have very little space." Lucy replied, laughing.

"Narcissa said it would be done next month? Before the wedding?" Alissa asked, leading Lucy into the sitting room.

"Yes, though they really shouldn't have gone through all the trouble of redecorating for us. It was fine the way it was." Lucy declared, sitting down beside her mother.

"Nonsense." Alissa replied. "You'll be newlyweds, not peasants." Alissa added, laughing, though Lucy didn't find it funny, she laughed for the sake of her mother.

"Anyway, there was something I wanted to discuss with you, while I was here." Lucy said, turning to her mother, worried.

"What is it?" Alissa asked, frowning at her daughter.

"I've been talking with Narcissa and even though we're heading back to school in September, I still want to go away." Lucy said, watching her carefully. "Narcissa mentioned going somewhere for a short stay over the Christmas break." Lucy said quietly.

Alissa dropped her gaze and Lucy sensed a rising panic in her. "So, you'd be gone for Christmas then?" Alissa asked, looking up at her daughter.

"Well, no, we'd head off after and just be gone for a week over New Year's." Lucy explained.

Alissa sighed, watching her daughter. "If that's what you and Draco want, then I will support you, but please also remember you can travel and do whatever you want after you're finished with school." Alissa explained, grabbing Lucy's hand with her own.

Lucy softened at her mother's words. "I really appreciate that." Lucy sighed, relaxing, watching her. "It's going to be hard, but it's what I want, what we both want." Lucy admitted.

The Slytherin Princess - Year SevenWhere stories live. Discover now