May 1st 1998

111 1 0

Lucy ran into the room. It was cold, quiet and dark, and a sick chill washed over her.

She ran to the stairs and headed for the dorms when a trail of water ran down the stairs. "Oh, no." Lucy murmured. Her heart and stomach sank as she took to the stairs.

Draco and the other two were right behind her.

"Bombarda!" Lucy shouted as the door to the seventh-year dorm blew off its hinges.

She was taken back with a gush of water and she almost lost her footing as it continually rushed out of the room.

"Tina!" Lucy screamed. She pushed her way through the water at almost waist deep. One of the windows must have smashed as the water wasn't slowing down.

She heard a gurgling sound coming from the bathroom and she waded through the water.

"Lucy be careful!" she heard Draco shout to her. She hurried through the cold and black water as she came to the door of the bathroom.

"Tina?" Lucy shouted out to her.

The constant flow of the water made it hard to hear anything but a gasp of air towards the back of the bathroom caught her attention.

"Lucy?" a voice called out.

"Daph? You okay?" Lucy called out as she moved further in. The water grew higher and higher with every step she took.

"Yeah, P-Pansy, sh-she's not m-moving." Daphne began to stutter. Lucy could tell she was freezing as her teeth cluttered when she spoke.

"It's okay, we'll get her out of here. Where's Tina?" Lucy asked as she closed in on Daphne struggling to keep Pansy up.

"D-dungeons I think." Daphne muttered.

Lucy's stomach dropped. If their room was like this, there would be no telling what state the dungeons would be in.

"Come on." Lucy said as she helped pull Pansy through the water. "D-Draco!" Lucy called out. The freezing water hit her hard as she tried to get out of the bathroom.

"Lucy!" She heard him yell out to her.

She struggled to hold Pansy and help Daphne as the water pushed her back in. "Draco, I can't get out!" She yelled to him.

She pushed herself forward and reached the doorframe again. With her spare hand she grabbed the frame and pulled herself out of the bathroom.

Draco was in front of her and grabbed Pansy. He pushed her to Theo who quickly took her out of the dorm.

Lucy reached back into the bathroom and yanked Daphne's hand, groaning in agony as something bit her side.

She almost lost her grip on Daphne, but she readjusted herself and pulled her forward and toward Draco.

"Quick, go to Theo." Draco said to Daphne before he grabbed Lucy. "What was it?" He said noticing the blood on his hands as the water lowered on their bodies.

"Grindylow, maybe, I'm not sure." Lucy stuttered.

Draco helped her out of the dorm and down the completely wet stairs.

Theo had Pansy on the table in front of the fireplace. He was doing compressions, trying to get her breaths back.

Lucy watched on as Draco subtly assessed her bite mark. He healed her quickly, receiving a sharp wince and groan from Lucy from the pain as he did so.

They turned their attention back to Theo and Pansy just as she sputtered water and coughed.

"Pansy!" Daphne cried out. She was crying and shivering but Pansy accepted a hug off her regardless.

The Slytherin Princess - Year SevenWhere stories live. Discover now