October 1997 - November 1997

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"Have you heard the news?" Theo's voice rang into Lucy and Tina as they sat on the couches in the Slytherin common room.

"No, what is it?" Lucy asked confused, watching Theo's expression change from frustrated to pure anger.

"They've cancelled quidditch." He snapped.

"Till when?" Tina asked, frowning.

"For good." He snapped back, shaking his head. Lucy couldn't believe it.

"Okay, if that doesn't tell us this year is seriously not good, I don't know what will." Lucy sighed, disappointed.

The three of them sat in silence until it began getting late and they all headed to bed.

"Hey." Lucy said to Draco as she entered their room. He was sitting at the desk, scribbling away when she interrupted him.

"Hey." He said, relaxing when he saw her.

"I just heard the news, they're cancelling quidditch this year?" Lucy asked surprised. She sat on the end of the bed and watched him; watched her husband.

"Yeah, bloody annoying, because that would have been the one normal thing this year." Draco answered, sighing annoyed. "But you've noticed how structured everything is, can't bloody piss without someone watching you like a hawk." Draco scoffed.

Lucy stifled a laugh and shook her head at him, watching as he dipped his quill into the ink pot and continued writing.


As each week went on, more and more students became reluctant to go to classes. Each day a new bruise or bloodied lip would turn up, scaring everyone even more.

"Hey." Draco said, entering the room as Lucy was laying on their bed, keeping quiet.

"Hi, how was class?" She asked, sitting up.

"It was fine- What the fuck is that?" Draco snapped, coming over to her side and noticing the cut and bruise on her cheekbone.

"It's nothing, I'm fine." She responded. Draco grabbed her face and examined it, looking at her with furrowed brows, angry. "Please, I'm alright." She said again, gently taking his hand.

"What happened?" He asked sternly.

Lucy shook her head in response. "Theo and I got caught dawdling after herbology, unfortunately the Carrow twins found us. Lucy answered softly, as Draco noticed her hands.

"Lucy, what the fuck?" He said angrily. The purple skin grew around her knuckles on each hands and small cuts formed in her skin.

"It was my own fault." She whispered, dropping her gaze.

"That's not your fault." Draco said, he shook his head and got to his feet, ready to go back out the door when Lucy grabbed his hand.

"Can you lay with me please?" she asked him quietly.

She watched as his whole body softened and he took a breath, before nodding subtly.

Lucy moved over to her side of the bed and watched as Draco lay next to her, wrapping her in his arms.

"I should have been there. Stopped it from happening." Draco said. She could hear the pain in his voice as he spoke, and it hurt her more than anything.

She grabbed him tighter and smiled. "Theo was there, he looks worse than me because he took most of it." Lucy admitted.

Draco sighed and held her tightly, not wanting to let her go.

Even though their classes and weekends became a lot more boring and quieter, Lucy and the others still made time to sit, talk and relax around each other.

The Slytherin Princess - Year SevenWhere stories live. Discover now