September 1997 - Warning Mature Scenes

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"Have something to eat, we don't want you fainting on us today." Alissa said sternly, pointing to the plate of fruit on the table in front of Lucy.

Lucy sighed and grabbed another bunch of grapes, eating them slowly as the women around her worked on her nails, hair and make-up.

"Do we have to go to this extreme?" Lucy sighed, looking around them. "It's just family, after all." She added.

Alissa looked at her annoyed. "Yes, it's still your wedding day." She replied, rolling her eyes at her. She was dressed incredibly well, and Lucy admired her mothers' taste as she closed her eyes to the artist putting her make-up on.

"Alright, you ready?" Alissa called out to Ellion, gently leading him into the room to reveal their daughter.

"Wow." Ellion said, smiling at Lucy. Alissa quietly stepped out of the room, leaving the two alone for a moment.

"Do I look okay?" Lucy asked quietly, looking at herself.

"You look beautiful." Ellion replied, taking her hand in his. "Listen," he said, sighing, "I know it isn't how you pictured it, but you don't understand how much this means for me, for your family." Ellion explained.

"It's okay." Lucy replied, giving him a warm smile. She patted the back of his hand before he stepped to her side and led her out of the room.

Lucy felt her heartbeat rising and the panic in her stomach formed knots as Ellion led her out into the garden.

She tried her best to concentrate on not falling as they walked through the stones, to where an archway stood before them, Draco stood underneath it, with his parents on one side and Alissa, Grayson and Reuben on the other.

Beside Narcissa and Lucius stood Narcissa's mother, Druella, and Bellatrix, who was devilishly smiling at Lucy as she walked closer to them.

Both Lucy's grandparents, Calla and Orson, and Armelle and Lysander, stood beside her family, watching proudly as their granddaughter sealed their family's pure status.

Her eyes immediately locked onto Draco's, standing before her, and she felt herself relax, almost becoming eager to stand with him. A wizard priest stood in the middle of the arch, waiting as Lucy neared the podium. She and Ellion paused at the bottom of the steps, and Ellion placed a gentle kiss on her cheek as she turned to Draco, taking the three steps up to stand in front of him.

Lucy sighed in relief as her hands found Draco's. They were warm and soft, and Lucy felt safe being in front of him.

The priest began the introduction and Lucy heard hardly any of it as she stared into Draco's eyes, the two of them smiling at each other.

"Do you, Lucy Marie Parcivall, take this man, to be your lawfully wedded Husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?" He spoke to her.

"I do." Lucy answered, smiling at Draco as she placed the black zirconium wedding band onto his finger.

"And do you, Draco Lucius Malfoy, take this woman, to be your lawfully wedded Wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?" He asked.

"I do." Draco answered, placing the wedding ring onto Lucy's finger, the two shared a gleeful smile.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." The priest concluded, smiling at them both.

Draco gently grabbed Lucy's face and pulled her into a soft embrace as she held onto his jacket collar.

They parted and turned to their families who were applauding them before they stepped down from the podium and began hugging them.

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