January 1998

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Lucy, Tina and the boys made their way up to their Dark Arts class that morning. Their charms class prior had gone far too quickly, and Lucy began to feel anxious as they neared the entrance to the classroom.

"What's this?" Blaise called out in front of them. Lucy could see a note stuck to the door.

"What is it?" Pansy called out to him.

"Class has been moved to the duelling room." Blaise replied. Lucy felt her stomach drop as he spoke.

A few sighs and groans from the others and they turned on their heel, as they made their way back down the corridor to the duelling room instead.

As they entered it was already full of other students. Both Carrow Professor's stood on the duelling platform and watched as the students entered and situated around them.

"Let's begin today's lesson." Amycus Carrow spoke first after almost five minutes of silence.

"Draco?" Lucy whispered quietly to him as she tugged on his sleeve.

"Mm?" He replied as he looked down at her.

"I don't like this." She admitted to him.

"It'll be fine, Luce." He assured as he turned his attention back to what the professors were saying.

"Let's get started." Alecto said, interrupting Lucy's thoughts.

Lucy watched as Alecto turned to her brother and watched him as he unveiled a piece of parchment from his robe.

"Lavender Brown." Amycus announced as his gaze snapped to the crowd of students, looking for her.

Lucy watched on as the fuzzy brunette stepped forward, terrified. Alecto motioned her to stand on the platform and Lavender reluctantly agreed.

"Lisa Turpin." Amycus also said.

Lucy felt her breath caught in her throat as Lisa appeared in the crowd. She held her head high as she walked up onto the podium and stood in front of Lavender.

Tina looked at Lucy over her shoulder, her jaw open from shock before the two professors stepped off the podium and to the side.

"Begin!" Alecto shouted, eagerly.

At first, neither of the girls knew what to do.

"Curse her Lavender!" Someone from the crowd screamed. Lavender instinctively pulled out her wand and pointed it towards Lisa.

"Stupefy!" Lavender exclaimed quickly. Lucy watched on as Lisa tumbled backwards. She smacked into the ground and groaned out in pain.

"Get up, Turpin. Hit her back!" Alecto called out sternly from the sidelines.

"This is barbaric." Lucy whispered shocked.

She watched on as Lisa got back on her feet and sent a stunning spell back in Lavender's direction. The two of them duelled until they were both bruised, bloodied and panting and the Carrow's had enough of watching them.

Amycus stood back on the podium and held the parchment again. "Vincent Crabbe. Wayne Hopkins." He called out next.

"Go Crabbe. Put him on his arse!" Theo called as he walked up onto the podium next.

Lucy had to shut her eyes as Crabbe cursed Wayne with the Cruciatus curse. The Carrow's both smiled and nodded, impressed with his efforts as two other students had to drag Wayne's limp and unresponsive body off.

Amycus returned before the students again. "Sally-Anne Perks. Padma Patil." He called out.

The two girls reluctantly got onto the podium and into their duelling stances before Padma cursed Sally-Anne with a full-body bind curse first.

The Slytherin Princess - Year SevenWhere stories live. Discover now