help me, joonie ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚

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do NOT steal any of my work. I thought this up on my own, so I think you're perfectly able to do the same.

if you're not enjoying my book, don't feel the need to tell me because I don't care. just stop reading it and move on with your day ( ̄へ  ̄ 凸

note! I'll add a "contains" at the start of chapters that I think had sensitive content that some may wish not to read. trigger warnings, if you will!

anyway, my babies. let's get started <3

contains: little space
                  little - jimin

written: 26th feb 2021

I plan on doing ones where we have joon as the little, so stay tuned for those adorable stories (〃゚3゚〃)

note: this is my first book on this acc so uhh yes hello my new and lovely readers... plz be sure to interact bc I wanna know what you guys think of my writing. I don't do writing professionally and don't want to, I just do it as more as a coping mechanism. but I still wanna make sure it's good ykyk... yeah >•<


jimin absolutely hated to ask for help, especially when it was a simple task such as reading a hard word or reaching for the high shelf. while jimin was already pretty dependant on namjoon for many things, he hated to feel that way. he felt like a burden at times... like another responsibility that namjoon would just be better off without.

the poor boy sniffled, sitting defeated on the kitchen floor. today he wore a puffy, pink tutu skirt, with plain white tights on and an adorable pink marshmellow on his plain white shirt. but it was all slowly beginning to get wet from the tears that spilled from his gorgeous brown eyes.

tears continued to fall from his puffy rounded cheeks, onto his tutu skirt, wetting the material of it. he sighed to himself, trying to take deep breaths like his joonie had told him to when he was upset or when his heart was thumbing super hard.

the thing that had gotten him to tears? the fact that he couldn't reach his absolutely favourite in the entire world... my melody drinks cup. it was all the boy wanted to drink out of. it had a fun twisty straw made of plastic, with the rest of the cup being plastic as well. it had my melody stickers on the sides of the cup, that were water resistant. some were slowly starting to peel off, but he hadn't a worry in the world. even if they did come off, it was still his special cup. nothing could come between him and his special cup.

jimin had been too tearful to notice the front door opening. "oh, pup, what's wrong?" called namjoon from the living room, the front door closing behind the elder. jimin continued to cry and sniffle on the floor, eventually looking up to namjoon. he didn't speak a word and pointed up at the open cupboard, the my melody cup on the top shelf... too high for jimin to reach. he of course could use the stool, but he didn't trust it unless namjoon was holding his hand when he stood on it. he had lots of times he'd been clumsy, he didn't want to risk crying even more.

he hated crying.

"oh honey, cmere" sighed namjoon, not even bothering to take off his shoes before he went and picked up his tearful babyboy off the cold kitchen floor. jimin melted into namjoon's touch, leaning into his touch and sobbing into the side of his neck. perhaps it was stupid to cry over a cup, but he loved that cup and he couldn't reach it for the life of him.

"it's okay, I got you. joonie's got you" comforted namjoon, rubbing jimin's back in a hopefully comforting way. he didn't actually know if it helped him but it seemed to. jimin soon calmed down with the help of namjoon's hold and his softly spoken words. it never failed to make jimin calmer.

"feel bettew" mumbled jimin as he wiped his eyes with his hands. namjoon pecked the boys lips, before standing him down on the ground again. "how about I hold your hand while you step on the stool and you can finally get your drinks cup?" suggested namjoon in a cheery voice. jimin only nodded, sniffling a little as well. he liked that namjoon offered a way for him to help him, without just fully doing the job for him.

"yes pwease, joonie" sniffled jimin, taking namjoon's hand and waddling over to the stool as he pulled the elder along with him. carefully jimin picked it up and positioned it in front of where he'd have to stand to reach the cabinet. then the smaller boy stood in front of the stool and held his hand out for namjoon to hold.

jimin's expression was very serious but yet so adorable, with his puffy cheeks still pink and tear stained with his eye lashes wet and stuck together with tears. namjoon gave a proud smile and held his hand, watching as jimin got on the stool and even got on his tippy toes to grab the cup.

"that's my boy!" cheered namjoon, making jimin blush with shyness and embarrassment. it wasn't a huge achievement at all, but the way that namjoon praised him for even the smallest things made him so happy.

"how about I fix you up a milksha-"


and that was that. it was settled. jimin was getting a milkshake.. his favorite milkshake, banana and chocolate flavour. jimin could hardly contain his excitement as he stood beside namjoon, hands over ears as he watched the blender do it's job. it was so exciting to see how it would mix everything together. he'd always found it intriguing.

after giving the bottle a shake to feel if there was any lumps, namjoon poured the milk shake into jimin's special cup, popped the lid on and gave it to jimin.

"here you are, my love" beamed namjoon, happy that he could make his lover so happy with just a simple milk shake. jimin took it with both hands and held it, gazed at it as if it were the most precious, most sacred thing in the entire world. "'s pretty, joonie.." mumbled jimin, earning a chuckle from namjoon.

"it is pretty" agreed namjoon, "but we should sit down when we drink. you might fall over, babe". and with that, the elder sat jimin down at the table, milk shake still tightly gripped in the boys hands as he took his first sip. he shivered from the amazing taste, looking over at namjoon with an excited grin. namjoon felt the biggest smile come over his face.

he was a good caregiver, and an even better boyfriend. and that made him so so happy.


don't forget to vote, sweethearts <3

I hope this is okay :') I really enjoy little space and find littles to be the most precious things in the world. I find that people don't really like them sometimes and it makes me sad because they're the sweetest of people. so so sweet and precious.

also!! note!! don't sexualize little space, you strange strange people. let me explain why. little space is a headspace that someone goes into as a coping mechanism, to cope with childhood trauma or stress. when they are in that headspace, that person is a child. basically p3d0ph1/1@. ddlb/ddlg is different however because that person is not a child, only acting like one. thank you for coming to my ted talk.

also.. a new chapter is on its way friday... and it's the first smut chapter of the book hehe (〃゚3゚〃)

anyway, my sweeties, have an amazing rest of your day/night/whatever!! ヾ(^-^)ノ

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