wanna dance..? >//<

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written: 18th august 2021, finally finished 20th nov 2021


namjoon and jimin's family were very close family friends and namjoon and jimin were both in the same year group and classes together. jimin had heard all his classmates complaining about having to go on holiday with his parents friends and about how they're forced to talk to their kids, but neither himself nor namjoon were able to relate to that feeling as they were both the best of friends. in fact they were so close that they felt like brothers to each other.

right now the pair of them were on holiday, with their families going together. the pair of them were sat at the bar together just enjoying a nice drink and trying to enjoy the loud blasting music they were suffering.

"so.." namjoon shouted over the music. jimin had been zoning out staring at his glass of wine. he slowly moved his gaze over to namjoon who was staring at him; the moment they made eye contact, namjoon wiggled his eye brows jokingly.

jimin, being slightly tipsy, found it absolutely hilarious. he laughed like there was nothing funnier, his arm coming to namjoon's and holding it as he tried to contain himself again.

"oh that's cute. so cute it makes me wonder if you'd like to dance.. with me?" namjoon asked, smoothly flirting with jimin in an ever so slightly nervous voice.

jimin paused. did he want to dance with namjoon? he wanted nothing but that, but there was a big thing holding him back and that was the fact that there would be people around him watching him, dancing very close to him as well. he hated the idea of that, and the idea of people potentially wanting to dance with him as well. as much as he wanted to say yes, he was leaning towards saying no.

"it's okay if you don't want to, I get that-"

"well, I-I do but just not with so many people" jimin replied. namjoon nodded in understanding, as he knew about how jimin had difficulties being in big crowds of people. jimin awkwardly nodded, before namjoon struck up a new conversation topic and the pair of them quickly moved onto that.

however neither of them stopped thinking about it.


the following week, jimin was sleeping over at namjoon's place, and the pair of them were home alone as their parents trusted them enough not to set anything on fire and to look after namjoon's younger sister. she wasn't hard to look after, as she tended to just relax in her room and went to bed very early as well. which left jimin and namjoon to a quiet house by 7pm.

they were both sitting on the sofa watching some random movie they'd found on netflix. it was a romantic comedy, something that seemed to appeal to most people, including namjoon and jimin. however, it felt rather dry. it just wasn't hitting like it used to.

the pair of them were almost not interested in it all together, until a ball room scene came on. everyone was dancing in pairs, romantically and lovingly. jimin looked over to namjoon, only to see him looking back at him.

formally, namjoon held out his hand to jimin. jimin looked down to it and back up at namjoon. "care for a dance?" he would ask, bringing a smile to jimin's face. the pair of them were in their pajamas with fluffy socks on and their hair a little messy.

"I'd be delighted" jimin agreed, taking namjoon's hand. the pair of them giggled as they stood up from the sofa. before jimin knew it, he had a pair of hands placed on his waist, and he found himself wrapping his arms around namjoon's neck, holding onto him and gazing up at his eyes.

the atmosphere was warm and so was jimin's cheeks, as namjoon's hands found themselves wrappint against the curve of jimin's waist, holding him dear as they began their dancing. jimin responded positively by wrapping his arms around namjoon's neck, bringing them so close that their torsos would touch. they gazed up at each other with big loving eyes.


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