bunny (♥ω♥*)

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hi :D I hope you guys all enjoy
written: 16th march 2021


namjoon had always loved bunnies, so so so much. they were easily and by far his favorite animal out there. what was there not to love about bunnies after all? they're fluffy, round, doe eyes, hop around.. just all around absolutely adorable. namjoon could never get enough of them, and jimin knew this very well. often times namjoon would come to him with a picture or video of a cute bunny on instagram or youtube and talk to him about it, saying how adorable or funny the video was. it completely warmed jimin's heart, it really did, and he wanted nothing more than for namjoon to have a bunny for himself. he knew it would make him indescribably happy, and so he couldn't help but want to get his lover a bunny. he wanted so badly to see the look of happiness and excitement that would overcome his face.

"oh my god" exclaimed namjoon in a blunt tone, hand over his mouth as he looked at his phone screen. jimin grew concerned at the sudden outburst from the living room and rushed over to his boyfriend who was sat on the living room couch.

"what's wrong?" asked jimin desperately as he took a seat next to his lover. namjoon turned his phone towards him, revealing a chestnut brown bunny chewing on some lettuce.

"I've never seen a brown bunny before!!" exclaimed namjoon with excitement in his voice. jimin quickly calmed down at namjoon's explanation, chuckling a little as a hand clutched at his heart.

"had me worried for a second" told jimin, cupping his boyfriend's round cheek and pressing a kiss against the other one. namjoon seemed to be almost unphased by the kiss, but the way namjoon leaned into his touch was enough confirmation that he enjoyed the kiss. jimin kept his hand on his cheek, stroking it with his thumb and gently pulling namjoon's attention onto him.

"brown bunnies are probably my favorite now" namjoon added on hurriedly, "sorry, you carry on". a gentle blush had now appeared on the elder's cheeks, tugging jimin's lips upwards into a smile. the two were staring lovingly into each other's eyes, both waiting for jimin to speak up.

"I need you to go and get ready, dear. I'm taking you somewhere and it's a surpri-"

"A SURPRISE?" whisper shouted namjoon, making jimin chuckle, leaning forward slowly to place a gentle kiss against namjoon's lips. he couldn't help it when his boyfriend was sat there looking unreasonably beautiful, considering he had just woken up.

"you got it. as soon as you're ready, we can go" jimin told, and before he even knew it, his hand was floating in the air where namjoon's cheek had been, as he could hear running water coming from upstairs.

what a cutie.


it really took namjoon no time at all to be done getting ready, only about half an hour and compared to the usual hour it takes, jimin would consider it quite speedy. while namjoon had been showering, he had secretly been getting some chores done so that he wouldn't have any to do when he got home. he packed the dishwasher and cleaned your the remaining dishes that wouldn't fit, even drying them a little too. after that, he would wipe down all the kitchen surfaces and empty out the bits. it was only small little things, but it made jimin feel good and for sure lots less stressed.

"I'm ready, jimjom!" called namjoon. a huge yet incredibly shy smile tugged at jimin's lips at the adorable nickname. and woah, namjoon really was ready, more ready than he himself was. he had already got his shoes and coat on, whereas jimin just stood in his socks, with no jacket on whatsoever. jimin cooed at the sight of his boyfriend, waddling over to the taller man to embrace him into a tight hug.

"good job, baby" praised jimin, "let me just get my shoes and coat on and we can go" he added, a little awkwardly since he knows he said as soon as he was ready, they'd be able to go. now he was the one holding them back. but without another word or thought of it, he began putting on some shoes and putting on his coat. both clothing items slipped on easily and fit his body quite nicely.

"okay, now we can go" smiled jimin, taking namjoon's hand in his. his lover always asked to hold his hand anyway so jimin thought he should just go for it without asking.


"YOU GOT ME A BUNNY?!" squealed namjoon excitedly, quickly being shushed by jimin. namjoon looked worriedly at the bunny, scared that his shouting had startled it. "you got me a bunny?!" whisper shouted namjoon with clear excitement in his voice.

chuckling softly, jimin only nodded, glancing over to the fluffy white bunny in the open cage in front of them. namjoon immediately wrapped his arms around jimin, squeezing him the tightest he probably ever had. jimin only hugged back, not sure how else to react. "thank you thank you thank you!!" beamed namjoon, whispering the words in jimin's ear.

jimin could only smile back, so so happy that he was able to make his namjoon that happy, just by spending a small portion of his savings on a bunny for him.

this was surely the best day ever for the both of them.

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