spooky ╥﹏╥

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contains: clowns
mention of vomit
gory descriptions
written: 7th march 2021
enjoy, babies ˙˚ʚ('◡')ɞ˚˙

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jimin had never really been afraid of much at all, always being able to keep himself together during horror movies, whether that be with jump scares, with gore, with psychological. he was always, always fine with it.

and that's what made namjoon so determined to change that. he didn't mean it in a cruel way at all, in a more teasing and playful way. it had been a mission of namjoon's since he'd found out that jimin wasn't scared of anything.

"ohhh, come on jimin, you said you're not scared of anything!" namjoon teased with a slight smirk on his lips.

"yes, but it's live actors! in a haunted house! what if something bad happens?!" he would argue, a pout on his plump lips. namjoon could only giggle at that.

"babe, they wouldn't have hired the actors if they were weird. just give it a go, I'll be with you the entire time" assured namjoon, making jimin feel lots less queezy about the whole situation.

"mmmm, fine. I bet it's not even that scary!" he said in a hopefully big and brave voice.


oh but jimin was so wrong. he wasn't even inside the haunted house and he was already quivering in his boots.

jimin had decided to wear the biggest most comfy clothes today, as if it would make it less scary. and while he was more comfortable, he was still scared for sure.

"you holding up alright, chim?" called namjoon over the talking of people around them. jimin looked from the floor up to namjoon with an expression which hopefully hid his fear.

"of course I am, the outside of it looks super cool!" jimin gushed, looking at the spooky haunted house. it was your stereotypical haunted house with the skills and fake spooky decorations, with the old and run down feel to it.

"babe, we're not going in that one. it's this one were going in" namjoon informed with a soft smile, pointing over to the very colourful and bright house, lit up with coloured lights around the walls. there was brought reds, dashing oranges, rosy pinks, and just about every other colour of the rainbow on the walls of the house.

and even though they weren't very close to the house, jimin could hear the light echo of clown music over the sound of the crowd.

jimin rose a brow at the house. "that doesn't look scary at all!" he whined, earning a loud chuckle and an amused smile from namjoon.

"oh jiminie, you can't judge a book by its cover just like you can't judge a haunted house by its exterior. this house has made people throw up with fear, I've heard!" told namjoon, making jimin pout with sudden embarrassment, leaning his head against namjoon's shoulder.

"I'll be completely fine! and anyway, the colours look very happy. I'm sure it'll be a pleasant experience"


jimin couldn't even lie. he was quivering in his boots now that he was at the door way of the house. the person who was taking their cash to go in was rather... creepy. his face, hands and neck were painted all white with red and black nail paint on the fingernails. the clown wore the classic clown makeup, with the gory twist of blood running from his eyes, and revolting fake teeth in his mouth.

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